
Tangenine was a planet located in the Core Worlds. It was home to the norango bush farmers Remba and Kelven and their children Lauren Mel Coelho and Julien. One of the world's syndicates, the Malandro syndicate, charged protection fees from Remba and Kelven until Remba refused to pay them, leading to the murder of the couple and their workers. The syndicates later gained prominence when the Separatist Alliance dealt damage to Tangenine's infrastructure during the Clone Wars.

After the war came to a close in 19 BBY, the Galactic Empire sought to bring order to Tangenine and used bounty hunters to root out the syndicates. Coelho resurfaced as a bounty hunter under the name Brand and pursued rewards primarily on the Malandro syndicate. The Empire's corruption grew as the control of the syndicates waned, and eventually, Brand took an off-world job on the Rebel Alliance Captain Micha Evon.


Tangenine was a planet that was located in the Core Worlds and shared its name with that region's Tangenine sector. It had a Type I atmosphere, breathable to humans and Falleen, and norango bushes were grown there.

Corruption and war

Bounty hunter Brand was born at Tangenine as Lauren Mel Coelho.

Bounty hunter Brand was born at Tangenine as Lauren Mel Coelho.

During the reign of the Galactic Republic, the Malandro syndicate operated at Tangenine. The syndicate charged protection fees from Remba and Kelven, two lovers who ran a norango farm and had two children, Lauren Mel Coelho and Julien. When Remba eventually refused to pay the Malandro's protection fees, the Falleen Malandro gangster Annaz and her henchmen were sent to her farm. Remba and Kelven sent their children to live with their grandmother before Annaz then killed the two farmers and their workers. After a few years passed, Coelho and Julien's grandmother died from a fever. Julien also fell ill, and consequently, in order to pay for the cure, Coelho took a job from the Malandro syndicate—stealing a speeder. However, she was caught and imprisoned, and Julien died before she got out of prison.

During the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Separatist Alliance, the latter damaged Tangenine's infrastructure. As a result, syndicates gained more prominence, further extorting the people of Tangenine for commodities such as food and transportation. After the Clone Wars ended with the Separatists' defeat in 19 BBY, the Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire. The Empire attempted to bring order to Tangenine but found that the syndicates were deeply embedded, and the government subsequently turned to bounty hunters to help quell the issue.

A new Brand

At some point no earlier than 17 BBY, Coelho resurfaced as a bounty hunter under the name Brand and took jobs almost exclusively on the Malandro syndicate, eventually finding and torturing Annaz at the Falleen's desk. The syndicates ultimately lost much of their control over Tangenine, allowing the Empire's rule to become more corrupt. Brand became displeased when a thief she apprehended was given a life sentence in prison while a gang leader she had also successfully tracked down was freed after bribing a magistrate. As a result, she decided to take a break from her work at Tangenine and pursued an off-world bounty on Micha Evon, a captain in the Rebel Alliance who led the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry.

On Dagobah, the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker that the fate of planets like Tangenine relied on Skywalker and Darth Vader's final confrontation.

On Dagobah, the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke Skywalker that the fate of planets like Tangenine relied on Skywalker and Darth Vader's final confrontation.

Evon eventually found out about Brand's identity as a bounty hunter and dug up information on her earlier life at Tangenine, using it to convince her to join the 61st when she tried to kill him between 2 BBY and 0 BBY. In 3 ABY, Brand spoke about Tangenine and her time there to her squadmate Roach while on the Mid Rim planet Coyerti. In 4 ABY, the aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker conversed with the Force ghost of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the swamp planet Dagobah. Kenobi advised Skywalker that the fate of Tangenine and many other planets depended on the outcome of the latter's final confrontation with the Sith Lord Darth Vader.


Inhabitants of Tangenine included humans and Falleen.


Tangenine had cities and at least one farm and school.

Behind the scenes

Tangenine was first mentioned in the novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed and published on November 3, 2015. The planet then first appeared in flashbacks in the tie-in short story "Inbrief," written by Janine K. Spendlove and released as part of the 161st issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine seven days later.





















