Posla's ship

Posla's ship was the personal starship of the vigilante Tam Posla. It was equipped with scanning equipment and a self-destruct mechanism. Posla purchased the vessel from the assassin droid 0-0-0 on the Outer Rim planet Son-tuul around 1 ABY. The vigilante used the starship as a base of operations while on the hunt for the criminal Doctor Cornelius Evazan.

Posla eventually took his ship to the wreckage-prison Accresker Jail to deliver an escape shuttle, attached to the ship's rear undercarriage, for the rogue archaeologist Chelli Aphra in return for a frozen Evazan. After he was defrosted, Evazan tricked Posla into thinking that he was a shape-shifter named "Lopset Yas," which prompted Posla to return to Accresker in his ship to arrest Aphra. However, the vigilante was killed on the wreckage-prison by 0-0-0, who was pursuing the rogue archaeologist. Evazan then captured both Aphra and 0-0-0 and took them aboard Posla's ship.

Aboard the vessel, Evazan planted a proximity bomb into the deactivated 0-0-0 and linked it with one already implanted in the unconscious Aphra. He then revealed his true identity to Aphra when she awoke before abandoning the pair aboard Posla's ship. After 0-0-0 reactivated, he and Aphra traveled to the planet Milvayne to have their proximity bombs removed by Posla's personal cyberneticist, Rajam Nuss. Milvayne's police force, the Milvayne Authority, was quick to intercept them, and 0-0-0 remotely detonated the ship using its security fob to distract the police officers.


The vigilante and former lawman Tam Posla owned a starship that was L-shaped, with its rear section having two sublight engines and its undercarriage possessing a clamp that could hold a small escape shuttle. Posla's ship featured a silver hull with red, green, and gray colors in some areas and a gold-tinted, two-seated cockpit. The interior of the vessel additionally featured a room with a bunk and multiple holoprojectors. The ship's systems included a hyperdrive, a self-destruct mechanism that could be activated by a security fob, a heating array, and a voice-sensitive mission log. Posla's ship was also equipped with scanning equipment that proved very valuable to the vigilante, and the vessel could be controlled via voice commands.

Tracking Evazan

Aboard his ship, Tam Posla consults evidence regarding Cornelius Evazan's location.

Aboard his ship, Tam Posla consults evidence regarding Cornelius Evazan's location.

Posla's ship was originally owned by the assassin droid 0-0-0 before he sold it to Tam Posla on the Outer Rim Territories planet Son-tuul around 1 ABY. The droid additionally arranged it so that he could spy on Posla through the starship's systems in hopes of finding information on the rogue archaeologist Chelli Aphra. Posla used the ship as a base of operations for hunting down the criminal surgeon and smuggler Doctor Cornelius Evazan.

The vigilante utilized the vessel's equipment to log his findings and scan for leads on Evazan's whereabouts. His investigations uncovered Evazan's infiltration of a biofarm on the astronomical object Thannt and brought the vigilante into possession of the severed arm of Ponda Baba, the doctor's Aqualish companion. Evazan's trail then went cold for over a month, so Posla turned to searching through custodial facilities from his ship to find any possible traces of the surgeon.

During that time, Posla's ship was parked in deep space, where Posla scanned for more leads on Evazan. His scanning eventually picked up a transmission from the Rebel Alliance general Hera Syndulla to her operative, Sana Starros. Although Syndulla could not reach Starros personally, as the latter's ship had crashed, Posla overheard her reference Aphra, whom the vigilante suspected of killing his former lover, Caysin Bog. Posla then commented on the possible reference and logged it. He also complimented the ship's state-of-the-art scanning system, logging a reminder to commend 0-0-0 for selling him the vessel. Meanwhile, 0-0-0 himself was spying on Posla's ship, having left Son-tuul to pursue Aphra. The assassin droid recorded Posla's comment on the reference to the rogue archaeologist and played it back on repeat.

Voyage to Accresker Jail

Posla's ship exits hyperspace before Accresker Jail, carrying a shuttle attached to its rear undercarriage.

Posla's ship exits hyperspace before Accresker Jail, carrying a shuttle attached to its rear undercarriage.

After the Galactic Empire's wreckage-prison, Accresker Jail, was decommissioned, Aphra contacted Posla aboard his ship, asking for him to rescue her from the prison. The former lawman refused at first but was surprised to see Aphra holding Evazan at knifepoint. Aphra herself had been deceived, as Evazan was pretending to be a shape-shifter named "Lopset Yas" by using a bioengineered creature called a pluripleq to disguise his appearance. Determined to capture Evazan, Posla reluctantly agreed to Aphra's demands, and Aphra told him that she was at Accresker Jail. The vigilante then traveled to the prison aboard his vessel, unaware that 0-0-0 was eavesdropping on his communications with Aphra and had also set a course for the jail. Posla's ship, carrying an escape shuttle to trade in return for Evazan, later exited hyperspace near Accresker Jail, which traveled on a collision course with the planet Tiferep Major.

Posla's ship flew into the wreck of Accresker's prison-tug and landed in the cruiser's hangar. Posla then left the vessel to meet Aphra and receive the "fake" Evazan, who was frozen in a chunk of ice. As Posla began to take Evazan away, a highly contagious fungus called gundravian hookspores attempted to possess the vigilante. Before the fungus could reach Posla, Aphra's companion, the Imperial Captain-Inspector Magna Tolvan, froze it with the same coolant grille that had frozen "Yas." Aphra then prompted Posla to leave while he could, and he returned to his ship with the ice chunk. After leaving the prison, the ex-lawman began to have doubts about the legitimacy of Aphra's trade and had the vessel divert its power to the heating array so that the ice chunk holding Evazan would melt.


Upon being released from the chunk of ice, Evazan again assumed his "Yas" disguise, leading Posla to think that he had been tricked by Aphra. The vigilante turned his ship around and landed it back in Accresker Jail, leaving his vessel to search for Aphra. Once Posla found the rogue archaeologist and declared her to be under arrest, the vigilante was attacked by 0-0-0, who had also arrived to confront Aphra. The droid killed Posla and captured Aphra, while Evazan, still disguised as "Yas," ran away. However, "Yas" later reunited with Aphra, stunning 0-0-0 and freeing the archaeologist, whom he then also stunned. He took them both aboard Posla's ship, escaping the jail before it collided with Tiferep Major.

Ponda Baba's starship docks with Posla's ship.

Ponda Baba's starship docks with Posla's ship.

While both Aphra and 0-0-0 were incapacitated aboard the late Posla's ship, Evazan removed the proximity bomb that had been implanted into his throat to keep him in line at Accresker Jail and planted it into the assassin droid. The criminal further bonded the bomb onto 0-0-0's personality core, linking it to Aphra's own proximity bomb implant so that she and the droid could not stray more than twenty meters apart. When Aphra awoke, asking "Yas" what he had done, Evazan revealed his true identity, and, as he spoke, Ponda Baba docked a ship with Posla's. Evazan then departed the vessel to join Baba, taking the latter's severed arm with him and leaving Aphra trapped with 0-0-0, who was beginning to reactivate.

Once the droid was awake, he began to attack her, but Aphra frantically explained their situation. Aboard Posla's old ship, the pair found credits from the planet Milvayne and information regarding Posla's cyberneticist, Rajam Nuss. They then took the ship to Milvayne to find the cyberneticist and get their proximity bombs removed. Aphra and 0-0-0 landed it in a spaceport in Milvayne City, where the assassin droid murdered the border officer who asked for the pair's identification and authorization documents. Milvayne's police force, the Milvayne Authority, was quick to intercept them, but 0-0-0 remotely destroyed Posla's ship by using its security fob, thus distracting the police officers who were chasing them.

Behind the scenes

Posla's ship first appeared in the twenty-second issue of the 2016 comic series Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, which was written by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Kev Walker, and published by Marvel Comics on July 25, 2018.















