
A pluripleq was a tentacled creature that was created with bioengineering and possessed shapeshifting abilities. With only a few made, one was stolen from a biofarm on the astronomical object Thannt by the criminal surgeon Cornelius Evazan, using it to disguise himself as an alien named "Lopset Yas." Evazan's disguise tricked Chelli Aphra, his fellow inmate at the wreckage-prison Accresker Jail who believed he was a changeling.

Aphra used "Yas's" apparent shapeshifting powers, in reality the pluripleq, to lie to the vigilante Tam Posla, who was hunting Evazan. However, the surgeon was able to use his disguise to fool the vigilante, and in the confusion captured Aphra and the assassin droid 0-0-0, the latter having killed Posla. Evazan revealed his identity to Aphra afterwards. Later on, Evazan used the pluripleq to pose as Princess Leia Organa in order to hire the hunters Winloss and Nokk, although the latter's sense of smell made him suspicious of a ruse.

Biology and appearance

A pluripleq was a bioengineered tentacled creature with shapeshifting abilities. It appeared largely pink-purple in color, with a variety of other hues embracing its main body.

Forging new identities

Cornelius Evazan's pluripleq disguise falters

Cornelius Evazan's pluripleq disguise falters

Few pluripleqs were created by the time of the Galactic Civil War, with at least one being held in a biofarm on the astronomical object Thannt. Between 0 BBY and c. 1 ABY, the rogue criminal surgeon Doctor Cornelius Evazan, evading his many death sentences, infiltrated the biofarm and stole a pluripleq, wearing it on his face to disguise himself as an alien under the name "Lopset Yas." Despite the disguise, Evazan found himself captured by the Galactic Empire, which sent him to the Imperial wreckage-prison Accresker Jail to be part of its legion of prisoners.

During an engagement with his legion "Yas" lost his hubdroid as a result of fellow inmate Chelli Aphra's escape attempt. Another hubdroid and Aphra's accomplice, Dek-Nil, scanned both of the prisoners to induct them into his squad, detecting three life forms between the pair of them as a result of the pluripleq. Having bought into the false identity of "Yas," Aphra put down to a technological error. Later on, Evazan was trapped under some machinery, causing his face disguise to warp due to the pluripleq's shapeshifting. Aphra witnessed the face alteration when rescuing her fellow inmate, assuming that "Yas" was a changeling.

Truths and suspicions

Evazan went on to humor Aphra's assumption, later pretending to disguise as his real identity to coax the vigilante bounty hunter Tam Posla into trading an escape shuttle in order to capture Evazan, whom the hunter had a vendetta against. To save himself from Posla, the criminal surgeon used his pluripleq disguise to make the vigilante realize that Aphra had lied to him and turn back to arrest her. In the ensuing confrontation, Posla was murdered by the assassin droid 0-0-0, but Evazan was able to capture the droid and Aphra and take them away aboard Posla's ship. There, the surgeon link his two captives by implanted proximity bombs and revealed his identity to Aphra, putting the pluripleq into a satchel as he left the two.

Evazan removes the pluripleq after posing as Leia Organa

Evazan removes the pluripleq after posing as Leia Organa

While observing Aphra and 0-0-0 roam the planet Milvayne to get their proximity bombs deactivated, Evazan chose to hire the hunters Winloss and Nokk to hunt 0-0-0. In doing so used the pluripleq to disguise himself as Princess Leia Organa, a leading figure in the Rebel Alliance, but Nokk was untrustworthy of the supposed princess, suspicious by the smell of the pluripleq on Evazan's face. The hunters ultimately took the job after learning that Aphra was with 0-0-0.

Behind the scenes

The pluripleq first appeared—as the face of "Lopset Yas"— in the twentieth issue of the 2016 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic series, written by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Kev Walker, and published by Marvel Comics on May 23, 2018. It was not identified as such until Doctor Aphra (2016) 25, also written by Spurrier and illustrated by Walker, and published on October 24 of that year.
























