Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith

HighBridge Audio released an audio adaptation of the comic.

Plot summary

Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider are enjoying a peaceful time in the galaxy until the Krath strike against the Jedi. At a secret Jedi meeting, the Krath place servant droids which are really programmed to kill. Many Jedi are wounded and killed including Qel-Droma's own Master Arca. Qel-Droma seeks revenge against the Krath. During his "mission," he struggles to hold on to the light side of the force and resist becoming the next Dark Jedi.


While The New Essential Chronology dates Dark Lords of the Sith to 3997 BBY, Dark Horse Comics' original timeline included within their own publications of the era dated Dark Lords of the Sith to , approximately six years after The Freedon Nadd Uprising.



