Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 6

The issue features the story "Jedi Assault," in which Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma battle for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith.

Publisher's summary

In the final, climactic issue of this landmark series, two renegade Jedi, Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun, clash in mortal combat. One will be awarded the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, the most feared and powerful force in the galaxy; the other may be awarded a shallow grave. The fate of the entire universe rests on the outcome!


On the planet Ossus, the Jedi Knights Cay Qel-Droma and Dace Diath test the new Star Saber XC-01 starfighters in the arid mountains near Knossa Spaceport. During the test flight, Dace's starfighter crashes into a pinnacle but he survives the crash. Deeming that the new starfighters need more work, the Jedi Knights are reluctant to use them for their upcoming mission to Cinnagar.

Returning to their base, they meet up with their fellow Jedi Nomi Sunrider, Tott Doneeta, Shoaneb Culu, Qrrrl Toq, and Oss Wilum who are joined by their Beast Rider ally Oron Kira and his drexl winged beasts. Before departing for their mission, Cay and Nomi confer with several Jedi Masters including Thon and Vodo-Siosk Baas. Thon thinks that they should leave Ulic Qel-Droma to learn the consquences of his foolish actions while Vodo thinks that it would be unwise to force anyone to follow the Aleema Keto the Force/Legends|light side]] against their will. Despite their pessimism, the Jedi Masters approve Nomi and Cay's mission.

Rejecting rescue

On Cinnagar, Aleema Keto presents Ulic, who is still suffering from Satal Keto's stab wound, the Sith talisman that Freedon Nadd had given them on Onderon. Meanwhile, the Sith Lord Exar Kun infiltrates Cinnagar with two of his Massassi warriors. His amulet is drawn to Ulic's new amulet. Before he can attack his dark side rivals, a Jedi strike team consisting of four Star Saber starfighters and an Onderon warbeast transport attack Cinnagar.

Flying the Star Sabers Wilum, Dace, and Shoaneb take out several Tetan artillery platforms. Having reached their objective, Cay and Nomi fly with Beast Riders and their drexl mounts to the Iron Citadel. The Jedi and Beast Riders fight their way into the royal quarters where Nomi tries to convince Ulic to come home with them.

Aleema conjures up Sith illusions but is no match for Nomi. Nomi tries to get Ulic to leave by telling him that she loves him. Meanwhile, the Jedi Star Saber starfighters come under attack from Tetan CX-133 Chaos fighters. While flying, Wilum notices Exar Kun, whom he recognizes as a Jedi, walking towards the Iron Citadel.

Cay and Nomi attempt to reason with Ulic but he believes that the Jedi are too weeak to stop the Sith. Still denying that he is under the power of the dark side, Ulic demands that they leave. Cay counters that Ulic is under the influence of the Sith poison. Ulic is also resistant to Nomi's battle meditation and drives her away with his Sith amulet.

Cay, Qrrl, and a Beast Rider try to forcibly take Ulic with them but Nomi decides to respect his choice, heeding the Masters' advice. Cay is unwilling to abandon his brother to the dark side but Nomi says that they must allow him to reap the consequences of his choices. Cay reluctantly accepts Nomi's decision and the Jedi and Beast Riders leave Ulic behind with Aleema. Before leaving, Shoaneb shoots down a Chaos fighter.

Master and Apprentice

After the Jedi and Beast Riders have left, Ulic confides with Aleema that he had initially come to destroy the Krath in order to avenge his Master Arca Jeth's death. Aleema responds that she saw through his plan and thanks Ulic for choosing her over Nomi. Ulic regrets hurting Cay and the other Jedi but is determined to continue on his dark path. While recognizing Ulic's desire for vengeance, Aleema is infatuated with him and the two embrace.

The two are ambushed by Exar Kun and his Massassi warriors, whom Ulic recognizes as the Sith pretender that Freedon Nadd ahd warned them about. Kun knocks Aleema unconscious with Force lightning and engages Ulic in a lightsaber duel. Kun denounces Ulic as a deluded Jedi while Ulic denounces Kun as a Dark Jedi.

However, the close proximity of their Sith amulets unleashes a wave of Sith magic which summons the spirits of several ancient Sith Lords, who order a halt to the fighting. The leading Sith Lord appoints Exar Kun as Dark Lord of the Sith and designates Ulic as his Sith apprentice. The ancient Sith Lord tasks Kun and Ulic with exacting the Sith's revenge against the Galactic Republic. Aleema awakes to find Kun and Ulic shaking hands as allies.


In this issue, the character who would later be identified as Marka Ragnos is surrounded by ships flying as if in combat and says, "In my time, even as the Galactic Republic battles us to extinction." Furthermore, the comic's narration describes him as "the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith" during "a time when the Sith people were being driven to extinction by the Jedi Knights and the armies of the Galactic Republic." However, Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 2 begins with Marka Ragnos having died before the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire discover each other.

In Dark Lords of the Sith 6, Exar Kun realized that he recognized the long-deceased Sith, as he had seen his mummified remains on Korriban, implying that he was present on one of the thrones in the Great Temple visited by Kun in Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 3. However, The Golden Age of the Sith 2 would establish that the Tomb of Marka Ragnos was located elsewhere, which would mean Kun either misidentified a Dark Lord, or visited multiple tombs during his time on Korriban.














