Tales of Villainy: The Crimson Corsair and the Crime Lords of the Barren Rim

Plot summary

Aboard a Munificent-class star frigate in an uncharted area of the Lost Clusters, Quiggold of Sidon Ithano's pirate crew had been captured by Gruk, with hopes of luring in the Ithano. Quiggold tells Gruk that he knows Gruk will torture him in order to lure Ithano's crew, and would then use them in order for them to weaken Woodring Meerou and take her Asteroid Fortress. Quiggold complemented Gruk on the ambition, much to Gruk's confusion. Quiggold proceeded to tell Gruk how his crew could potentially infiltrate the old ship, as Ithano took out Meerou in an over the top and flashy manner, by using Ithano's speeder. Gruk insists that this was all according to plan, as Quiggold retorted that Gruk hadn't considered Squeaky, their Gamorrean warrior of the Bolgoinks clan, who would infiltrate the ship to free his people that Gruk has been holding captive. Quiggold said that this is part of the plan, with both Ithano, Squeaky with the freed Gamorreans would be able to, hypothetically, let the Ithano and his crew win. Gruk puts together that what Quiggold had been saying is what is happening right now. Gruk states that Ithano's crew couldn't get past the ships defense systems. Quiggold then brings up Reveth, the Corsair's mechanic. She was able to hyjack and rewire the ships systems, causing the ships lights go off, Quiggold remarking that her skills are pretty impressive. Gruk states it doesn't matter, as he has a whole army onboard the ship to defend himself. Quiggold states that he hasn't mentioned their last crew mate, Clone Trooper Kix, who takes down Gruk's remaning army. As Ithano's crew infiltrated the bridge, Gruk asked why they are doing this. Quiggold responds by saying that they have bigger plans for a ship like this. Quiggold then proceeded to shoot Gruk because he is a enslaver. Ithano's crew repurposed the ship and equipment so that Reveth could send out a signal using the Hyperwave Scanner of the Asteroid Fortress to find other Separatists ships. While Squeaky is helping his people take over the asteroid, Quiggold asks Ithano why they are out looking for old Seperatists ships. Ithano says they are doing what they always do to survive.



