Tales from Wild Space: Stop, Thief!

In Wild Space

On the Star Herald in Wild Space, CR-8R "Crater" is angry with Emil Graf's Kowakian monkey-lizard, Noni, who had stolen Crater's laser welder. An angry Crater tells Emil that he needed the laser welder to fix the and that Noni knew that his repulsors were not working like they should, so he cannot fly up and steal the laser welder back. Crater never understood the Graf family obsession with Kowakain monkey-lizards, including his grandfather, Milo Graf, whom Crater tried to convince to get a more appealing pet. The BB-series astromech droid BB-00 beeps to Emil about Crater's complaining, which Emil agrees with, but acknowledges that Crater has a point. It reminds him of a story his great aunt Lina Graf told him about something that happened a long time ago.

Stopping a thief

During the days of the Galactic Republic, A Jedi Knight sat down at Dex's Diner, putting a device down next to him. A Pa'lowick iswas sitting nearby and gets up to steal the device. Dexter Jettster calls for the thief to be stopped. The Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan Kenobi, leaves the diner to track down the thief. After maneuvering through a crowd, Obi-Wan catches up to the thief, who was at the edge of the street, but she leaped across lanes of speeders to get to the other side. Emil Graf continued on with story, telling Crater that the thief, Tri Tellon could not believe her luck, now back at her home that she shared with Magreda. She told Magreda that she thought it had mystical powers and could make them very rich. Tri notices that something was wrong, thinking that Magreda would be pleased with her. "Magreda" turns around and reveals themselves as Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is very pleased. The Jedi uses the Force to grab the device back. Jettster blocks off Tri's means of escape and thanked Obi-Wan for helping him recover the stolen items.

Learning a lesson

Back on the Star Hound, Emil Graf tells Crater that the lesson of the story was that nine out of ten times, you are not half as smart as you think you are. Crater agrees and activates the , scaring Noni and making him drop the laser welder. Emil returns the laser welder to Crater and the droid asks if he wanted nerfburgers for dinner.




