
Takvax was a gray-skinned alien bounty hunter who was an associate of the swoop racer Kuru. In around 0 ABY, the pair were on the planet Rion when they encountered the smuggler Han Solo, who had a large Imperial bounty on his head. Takvax set up a scheme with Kuru and several others to capture Solo during a swoop race he was entering so that they could claim the bounty.

During the race, Takvax explained the plan to Kuru via comlink, but was overheard by Solo's companions Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca. Chewbacca then lifted Takvax into the air, forcing the bounty hunter to reveal information that they then used to save Solo, who ultimately won the race.


Takvax was overheard discussing the plan to catch Solo.

Takvax was overheard discussing the plan to catch Solo.

Takvax was an alien who worked as a bounty hunter during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin that occurred in 0 ABY, Takvax was on the Outer Rim planet Rion with the swoop racer Kuru when they encountered the smuggler Han Solo preparing to enter a local swoop race. After Kuru complemented Solo's vehicle, the smuggler boasted that he would best Kuru in the race. Angered, Kuru complained to Takvax, who revealed that Solo had a large Imperial bounty on his head, prompting Kuru to suggest they contact the Imperials.

A plan was then set up to send Solo to the medical center during the race, where a medical droid would sedate him and aid them in shipping the smuggler to the planet Coruscant. As the race began, Takvax explained this plan to Kuru via comlink prompting the racer to try and ram Solo's vehicle into a tree. Makta, another racer involved in the scheme to capture Solo, then rammed the smuggler, but crashed after he damaged her stabilizer. She reported her failure to Takvax, who reassured her that Solo would be taken out by Glunge, a bounty hunter set up with a laser-sniper on a rooftop nearby.

However, Takvax's comlink discussions had been overheard by Solo's companions Luke Skywalker and the Wookiee Chewbacca. The Wookiee lifted Takvax by the collar, causing the bounty hunter to beg for mercy and reveal Glunge's location when questioned by Skywalker. Skywalker was then able to prevent Glunge from harming Solo and aided the smuggler in ultimately defeating Kuru and winning the race.

Personality and traits

Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca threatened Takvax.

Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca threatened Takvax.

Takvax discussed the plan to capture Solo loudly enough in public for others to overhear. The alien claimed to bruise like a blumfruit and begged not be hurt when lifted by the collar by Chewbacca. Takvax was a member of a bipedal species with two yellow eyes and textured gray skin.


Takvax wore a turquoise and gray outfit and made use of a comlink to coordinate the attempt to capture Solo. To view the bounty, the bounty hunter used a holopuck.

Behind the scenes

Takvax appeared in the comic "Swoop Racers" which was published in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 21 on May 8, 2019. The comic was written by Cavan Scott and illustrated by Derek Charm.



