Slave level

The Slave level was the lowest level of the Great Well on the planet Ophideraan. It was the level where the slaves were confined by the Serpent Masters. It comprised an island on which slaves drilled to keep water flowing in the caverns. The bottom of the sinkhole was linked to a cavern known as the Cavern of the Serpents.

Several years before the Battle of Yavin, Josen Shire and his daughter Tanith were forced to crash-land their ship on Ophideraan, where they were enslaved and put to work maintaining the Great Well in the Slave level.

In 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker also crashed on the planet and was enslaved in the Slave level before defeating the Serpent Masters.


Several years before the Battle of Yavin, Josen Shire and his daughter Tanith were forced to crash-land their ship on Ophideraan, where they were enslaved and put to work maintaining the Great Well in the Slave level.

In 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker also crashed on the planet and was enslaved in the Slave level before defeating the Serpent Masters.



