Sith talisman

A Sith talisman was a powerful Sith artifact used to amplify dark side powers. According to the quasi-historical Qel-Droma Epics, a Sith Translation Talisman allowed its wearer to instantly understand the Force-imbued writings of Sith scrolls and spellbooks. Krath leader Satal Keto found one on Onderon and reproduced it to train his fellow Krath. It was considered one of the most prized relics sought by Qel-Droma Epics scholars.

The Sunburst Talisman had been shattered into four large pieces that were spread between ancient alchemical research sites in the region containing the planet Aloxl.

The Symeong Dathan gifted a Sith amulet to a clone of Darth Sidious, who himself later adopted the name Dathan. He later gave it to his wife Miramir for safekeeping. The couple later sold the amulet to Unkar Plutt. The amulet itself was a fine chain with a Sith hex symbol on the end. It was of geometric construction and made of songsteel.


  • Nexus of Power
  • Savage Spirits






