Sith Intelligence

Sith Intelligence was the successor of the Imperial Intelligence of the Sith Empire.


Following the near collapse of Imperial Intelligence at the hands of the Star Cabal during the Galactic War, the Dark Council took the opportunity to dissolve the weakened organization permanently. In place of the old department, they planned to form a new Sith Intelligence to operate as the Sith Empire's new intelligence arm. Unlike its predecessor, which maintained a degree of independence from its Sith overlords, Sith Intelligence was to be overseen directly by the Sith.

Following a battle on the moon Yavin 4 against the Revanites, Darth Marr placed Lana Beniko in charge of Sith Intelligence.

Sith Intelligence's operations moved to Ziost, where the former Sith Emperor, Vitiate, began possessing combatants on both sides during the Republic's invasion of the planet. The organization was later left in disarray following Vitiate consuming all life on the planet. Minister Beniko planned on restoring Sith Intelligence by making their operations mobile. However, whatever progress was being made was lost in the chaos that followed the hitherto-unknown Eternal Empire's assault on the galaxy at large.

By 3631 BBY, Beniko was no longer affiliated with Sith Intelligence but knew most its assets were destroyed in the previous fighting with the Eternal Empire. She believed Empress Acina, who had since ascended as head of the Sith Empire, preferred to rely on technological surveillance and did not know if any attempts at reconstructing the organization had been made.

Order of Zildrog campaign

Sith Intelligence defectors hijacked Vanguard Station (pictured) to attack outposts of the newly formed Eternal Alliance.

Sith Intelligence defectors hijacked Vanguard Station (pictured) to attack outposts of the newly formed Eternal Alliance.

Following the collapse of the Eternal Empire and formation of the Eternal Alliance in 3630 BBY, a rogue faction of Sith Intelligence defectors led by Sith Lord Anril and former Imperial Intelligence cipher agent Major Korven hijacked Vanguard Station and began attacking vulnerable Alliance settlements. An elite Alliance strike team infiltrated the station and defeated the defectors' leaders, putting an end to their attacks. This incident was one of five uprisings concurrently directed against the newly formed Alliance, causing Alliance Intelligence to theorize that a single unknown party may have been behind the attacks. Shortly thereafter, when five additional uprisings were sparked against the Alliance, Alliance Intelligence confirmed that a single entity was responsible for initiating all the uprisings and considered Sith Intelligence as a possible suspect.

In the midst of the Battle of Iokath in 3629 BBY, Beniko conveyed her concerns to the Alliance Commander that an unknown party was responsible for the clash of Republic, Imperial, and Alliance forces converging at Iokath simultaneously. Alliance operations leader and former Republic Strategic Information Service agent Theron Shan suggested Sith Intelligence as a possible suspect. The real culprit was later revealed to be the Order of Zildrog.

Third Galactic War

During the Empire's invasion of Ossus in 3628 BBY, two Sith Intelligence assets, both Nautolan females, reported to a Sith Lord on the condition of the planet's Jedi colony and advised on weaknesses to be exploited.

The following year, Sith Intelligence arranged for the Nova Blades pirate gang to begin conducting periodic attacks on the Republic agricultural world of Dantooine. The planet was a key and heavily defended staging area for Republic incursions into Imperial space. Darth Xarion recruited the pirates to attack the planet from within Republic territory. The incursion created a chaotic situation in which the Empire was able covertly deploy a strike team to the planet and establish a hidden base.

Following the Battle of Corellia months later, Sith Intelligence sought to influence the Onderon government but required comprehensive intelligence about the ruling class in Iziz, the planetary capital city. By this time, spies and inside sources had proven valuable resources, but additional surveillance was required. Accordingly, Imperial heroes installed half-a-dozen surveillance devices around Iziz's perimeter.

Behind the scenes

Sith Intelligence was first mentioned at the conclusion of the Imperial Agent class story in the BioWare-LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2011. Regardless of players choices, the former Minister of Intelligence tells Cipher Nine that the Dark Council is planning to form a new Sith Intelligence, rather than rebuild Imperial Intelligence. Should the player hand the Black Codex over to the Dark Council, the Minister explains that there will be a place in the new intelligence agency for Cipher Nine, likely headed by people like him/her. Should the player keep the Black Codex then the they are given the option to either use it to flee and work as an invisible agent of the Empire, or to remain in the Empire and "make it a better place". Finally, should the player choose to hand over the codex to Ardun Kothe, then the Minister tells Cipher Nine that the Empire will likely perceive him/her as a renegade.

Additionally, if the player is an Imperial Agent in the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion, shortly after landing in the Endless Swamp, Lana Beniko will reveal what she knows of the fate of Sith Intelligence.





















