Silara Panteer

Silara Panteer was a female Human from the planet Alderaan and a member of the noble House Panteer who served as the Queen of her homeworld for several decades during the Great Galactic War and Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. However, her son Gaul Panteer withdrew the planet from the Republic in his capacity as Senator in protest of the Treaty of Coruscant that ended the Great Galactic War in 3653 BBY, and Silara was killed a few years later in a shuttle crash, shortly after her son was murdered by assassins. The Queen's death led to the Alderaan Civil War, as Houses Ulgo, Organa, Thul, and Panteer fought to claim Alderaan's throne.


A Human female, Silara Panteer was a member of House Panteer, a noble family and one of the Great Houses on the planet of Alderaan. Panteer became Queen of her homeworld sometime before 3667 BBY, continuing decades of Panteer rule before her, and she also bore a son named Gaul. During her reign, Queen Panteer was beloved by the Alderaanian populace, and even her adversaries greatly respected the monarch and her undisputed rule. In 3667 BBY, during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Alderaan was invaded by the Empire, and during the invasion Imperial forces under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Malgus razed Castle Panteer and captured the royal family. However, the Queen and her family were later rescued by the Republic and Jedi forces who succeeded in repelling the Imperials.

By 3653 BBY, the Queen's son Gaul had become Alderaan's Senator in the Galactic Senate. That year, Alderaan hosted peace talks between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, but when the Empire attacked the Republic capital of Coruscant, the Republic was forced to sign the Treaty of Coruscant that ended the war. An enraged Gaul Panteer declared Alderaan's independence and stormed out of the Senate Building in disgust, returning to his homeworld. Queen Panteer also became ill around this time, and her health steadily worsened over the next few years as Gaul entered into secret negotiations to return Alderaan to the Republic. However, Gaul was murdered by assassins of House Rist on the orders of House Ulgo, and Queen Silara's shuttle crashed only days later in the Glarus Valley after being sabotaged, leading to her death.

The Queen's body was recovered from the river, but she had not been wearing the royal crown, which sank to the bottom of the river in its duralloy container. In the weeks that followed, tensions soon broke out into open war as Bouris Ulgo declared himself king, and a four-way war between the Republic-backed House Organa, the Empire-backed House Thul, House Ulgo, and House Panteer erupted as the Alderaan Civil War began.


  • The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
  • The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia



