Gaul Panteer


During the later years of the Great Galactic War, after the Sith invasion of Alderaan, he and other Alderaanian leaders became voices of military action in the Galactic Senate, contrary to the famous historic peaceful stance of their homeworld. As senator, he voted for Alderaan to secede from the Galactic Republic after the controversial Treaty of Coruscant was signed. Alderaanians who opposed leaving the Republic were outraged, but many supported his decision.

He was assassinated by a member of House Rist (who was working for House Ulgo) not long after he made his controversial decision; Queen Silara died days later in a shuttle crash in the Glarus Valley. With no heir to the throne, Alderaan was dragged into a civil war between several noble houses.

Behind the scenes

Gaul appears in the mission "Red Handed" for Republic classes in the 2011 BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. His appearances occurs only in a hologram recording.


  • The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia






