Servant Four

Servant Four was a Sith Pureblood female during the third Galactic War. She was a Servant of the Hand of the Empire.

In 3626 BBY, Servant Four, as well as a number of other Servants from the Emperor's Hand boarded the ship used by Kira Carsen and Scourge to protect Satele Shan and her students after they were exposed to Tenebrae's curse, with the intention of helping their master Tenebrae rise again. They were stalled by Scions of Zakuul, lead by Minazar, but the Servants slaughtered them, their numbers being far greater. Servant Four killed Minazar, just before engaging the Alliance Commander in battle. During this fight, Servant Four was killed.


In 3626 BBY, Servant Four, as well as a number of other Servants from the Emperor's Hand boarded the ship used by Kira Carsen and Scourge to protect Satele Shan and her students after they were exposed to Tenebrae's curse, with the intention of helping their master Tenebrae rise again. They were stalled by Scions of Zakuul, lead by Minazar, but the Servants slaughtered them, their numbers being far greater. Servant Four killed Minazar, just before engaging the Alliance Commander in battle. During this fight, Servant Four was killed.



