Serenno fleet

A fleet of the Imperial Navy was active on Serenno. The fleet was led by a commander and consisted of several Imperial Star Destroyers.


The Imperial Navy fleet at Serenno consisted of several Imperial Star Destroyers.


The Imperial Navy dispatched a fleet to Serenno (pictured).

The Imperial Navy dispatched a fleet to Serenno (pictured).

After the Imperial Intelligence agent Jahan Cross thwarted an attempt by Borgin to kidnap the young Count Bron Dooku, a fleet led by a commander was dispatched to the planet Serenno to ensure that Lord Rodas Borgin be installed as regent. In the aftermath of infiltration of The Spike, the Director of Imperial Intelligence Armand Isard informed Cross that he was being recalled from the world at the request of Lord Borgin and ordered him to leave with the fleet which would arrive within the next thirty-two hours.

The next day, Cross met with his father, Ambassador Davim Cross, at his . The elder Cross was already aware that the Imperial Navy was coming to settle the issue of regency, and congratulated his son. Jahan claimed that Borgin had brought the Imperial Navy to Serenno, not the Imperial Intelligence, while expressing his concerns about Bron's safety. Davim suggested that if Jahan could provide evidence that Borgin was plotting to kill the young Count, it might save him. Jahan was unable to do so, but his father revealed that Bron was held at Otoh Dooku, the House Dooku underwater retreat, to keep him hidden until the arrival of Imperial Navy.

Later, Cross met with Rodas Borgin at his castle and revealed that he wired the Imperial Diplomatic Shuttle Nine-Nine-Three to blow up, making Jorrick, Lord Borgin, and Fett believe the Count Bron was dead. Cross explained to Rodas that Imperial Navy arriving at Serenno made him "accelerate" the regency issue and that Orom Malvern was named the Count of Serenno with support of both the Great Houses, the new Count Pero Borgin, and the commander of the Imperial fleet.









