The Spike

The Spike was an underground prison located in the Aparian Wastes on the planet Serenno. The facility was built during the Clone Wars and was designed to be able to hold captive Jedi.


Primarily made from durasteel and ferrocrete, The Spike was an underground prison installation located along the edge of the Aparian Wastes on the planet Serenno in the Outer Rim Territories. The rooftop contained perimiter barrier and security checkpoints, as well as barracks and other buildings. The top floors contained infrastructure, comms, and power generators. The next floors were for the security personnel, who were a mixture of sentients and droids; they included comissary, recreation, and changing rooms. Below that was the , where everything was monitored and where turbolifts from the top floor ended. Next, under the control floor were at least six levels of prisoners' cells that were only accessible with stairs. At the very bottom of the installation was , a place with a single cell where the most important prisoners were held.


The Spike was built as a place to hold captured Jedi during the Clone Wars. In about 3 BBY, the spy Aveca Dunn was incarcerated in The Spike when she was captured by Serenno Spaceport Security after attempting to kidnap Count Bron Dooku. However, the Imperial Intelligence agent Jahan Cross—a former lover of Dunn—subsequently infiltrated the prison in an attempt to rescue her. After shutting off the power to the facility, so as to release all of the prisoners from their cells and thereby create a diversion, Cross and Dunn were able to escape the prison by masquerading as guards. In the aftermath of the incident, Gundren was removed from his position as Warden of The Spike, and then, he returned home and killed himself rather than face investigation and possible charges.



