Separatist holdout (PM-6986)


Located on the planetoid PM-6986, in the Anaxes asteroid belt, was a complement of reactivated Separatist Alliance droids. Commanded by the tactical droid JF-86, the holdout was created from droids once used by Admiral Trench of the Separatist navy. The holdout possessed no forms of transportation off PM-6986 and used a hidden Separatist stronghold as its base of operations.


The Separatist holdout existed in the Anaxes asteroid belt (pictured).

The Separatist holdout existed in the Anaxes asteroid belt (pictured).

In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars were brought to an end when the Confederacy of Independent Systems collapsed, with the deaths of the Executive Separatist Council and droid army's deactivation. At the same time, the Galactic Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire, and the deactivated battle droids were sent for scrapping. During the Imperial Era, sometime after the war's end, a Separatist signal was transmitted across the galaxy, originating from light-years away. The signal eventually reached a Separatist stronghold in an asteroid belt situated in the Azure system—the remnants of the planet Anaxes that had been destroyed in a cataclysmic event near the war's end—and reactivated the tactical droid JF-86.

Upon its reactivation, the tactical droid proceeded to reawaken the stronghold's droid complement, which had once served under Separatist Admiral Trench in his campaign on Anaxes. Once online, the droids tirelessly worked to accomplish their last-sent instructions: attack the Republic Senate on the planet Coruscant. The holdout, however, held little understanding of the galactic changes from the Empire's succession of the Republic. They were also unable to leave PM-6986, as they were without transportation capabilities, but continued to plan their assault nevertheless. The holdout was still waiting to strike sometime between 5 BBY and 1 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The PM-6986 Separatist holdout was introduced in Dawn of Rebellion, a 2018 supplement to Fantasy Flight Games' series of Star Wars Roleplaying products.


  • Dawn of Rebellion
