

PM-6986 was a planetoid that was a part of an asteroid belt created from the remains of the destroyed planet Anaxes. It was located in the Azure system, a part of the Azure sector in the regions known as the Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. Situated at grid square R-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid and along the Perlemian Trade Route, the planetoid had one sun.


PM-6986 was created as a result of the destruction of Anaxes (pictured).

PM-6986 was created as a result of the destruction of Anaxes (pictured).

Near the end of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems in 19 BBY, the planet Anaxes was destroyed in a cataclysmic event which resulted in the creation of an asteroid belt that housed the planetoid PM-6986 and thousands of other asteroids and planetoids. Although the exact cause of the planet's destruction was unknown, the leading theory was that the main reactor of the Anaxes shipyards had malfunctioned and caused a massive stockpile of hypermatter to detonate. However, there were also a multitude of other, more wild explanations, ranging from Separatist superweapons to Jedi-engineered planetary collisions.

During the time of the war, PM-6986 served as the location of a stronghold used by Harch Separatist Admiral Trench as part of his attacks against Anaxes. After the war's end and Anaxes' destruction, a complement of Separatist battle droids housed within the stronghold were shut down along with the rest of the Separatist Droid Army but were later reactivated by the tactical droid JF-86, who had in turn been reawakened when a Separatist signal from light-years away reached PM-6986.

Following its reactivation, the tactical droid prepared to execute its final directive: attack the Republic's Senate on the planet Coruscant. However, the droid was not in the possession of any form of transportation off PM-6986 and was unaware that the Republic had transitioned into the Galactic Empire with the war's end. Nonetheless, JF-86 still continued to plan and wait to launch its attack.

Behind the scenes

PM-6986 was introduced in Dawn of Rebellion, a 2018 sourcebook for the Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Roleplaying series. Several Star Wars canon sources have placed the Azure system, and therefore PM-6986, in the Core Worlds, but the 2021 reference book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy later instead decisively established the Outer Rim Territories as the system's location. The 2022 attraction Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, set between Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, placed Anaxes in the Core.


  • Dawn of Rebellion
