
Sakas was a Mikkian female soldier who fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. She was a member of the Pathfinders, a Rebel Alliance Special Forces unit commanded by General Han Solo, and attended a party on the moon Endor to celebrate his upcoming wedding following the Battle of Endor.

Afterward the Mikkian fought alongside Sergeant Kes Dameron during the raid at the Wretch of Tayron. During the battle, she and Dameron destroyed an All Terrain Scout Transport that, when it crashed, destroyed part of the outer wall along the Imperial Security Bureau base that the Pathfinders were assaulting. As a result, the Pathfinders were able to enter the base, where they hacked into the Imperial network and learned a number of the Empire's secrets—including the commencement of Operation: Cinder, a potentially devastating Imperial attack carried out against a number of planets in the galaxy.

Serving with the Pathfinders

Sakas attended a party in Bright Tree Village following the Battle of Endor.

Sakas attended a party in Bright Tree Village following the Battle of Endor.

Sakas was a Mikkian female who fought as a soldier in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance's struggle to overthrow the Galactic Empire. She served in the Pathfinders, a Rebel Alliance Special Forces unit commanded by General Han Solo.

In 4 ABY, the Alliance delivered a devastating blow to the Empire during the Battle of Endor by destroying its second Death Star superweapon and defeating Emperor Palpatine. After the battle, Sakas attended a party to celebrate Solo's then-upcoming wedding to Princess Leia Organa while in Bright Tree Village on the Forest Moon of Endor. Not recognizing the Mikkian, General Lando Calrissian attempted to block her entry to the gathering. However, Sakas strode by him confidently and downed a wooden cup full of tsiraki, a strong alcoholic beverage. As Calrissian watched Sakas, impressed, Solo complimented the Mikkian, saying she was great, and then shot her a smile.

Entering the base

Sakas and Kes Dameron charged their way into the ISB base.

Sakas and Kes Dameron charged their way into the ISB base.

The same year, the Pathfinders—including Sakas—participated in a raid on an Imperial Security Bureau black site at the Wretch of Tayron in the Outer Rim Territories. Before the raid commenced, members of the Pathfinders took different positions throughout the area. As part of the strike team Strike Four, Sakas was positioned with Sergeant Kes Dameron on a ridge overlooking the base, where they prepared to fire a missile at their target. Once all teams reported they were ready to commence with the attack, Solo gave the order to fire.

Dameron fired the missile at an All Terrain Scout Transport inside the base's walls, which exposed an opening when the walker crashed through and destroyed a section of the wall. Sakas and Dameron reported to Solo that an entrance was exposed and charged through the breach, opening fire on the Imperial forces they found inside. Together, they took out several stormtroopers, scout troopers, and a 74-Z speeder bike. A scout trooper nearly cornered Dameron, and Sakas called out to warn him of the impending attack. The sergeant was saved by the timely arrival of Chewbacca, Solo's Wookiee companion.

Uncovering Imperial secrets

Sakas and her colleagues worked to uncover Imperial secrets in the Tayron base.

Sakas and her colleagues worked to uncover Imperial secrets in the Tayron base.

Solo and the rest of the Pathfinders arrived soon thereafter, and the team assembled to wait for their protocol droid, C-3PO, whose job was to hack into the Imperial computers. Once the droid arrived, the Pathfinders entered the base and fought through Imperial forces. They confronted the base's commander, who attempted to flee to the installation's computer network to wipe its data before the rebel team got to it. Once confronted, however, the commanding officer offered his surrender, and the Pathfinders secured the base.

Sakas was present in the base's command center when C-3PO hacked into the computers and uncovered Imperial secrets, including the launch of Operation: Cinder, an Imperial contingency order that targeted numerous planets in the galaxy as retribution for the Emperor's death. The actions of Sakas and the Pathfinders at the Wretch of Tayron gave the Alliance the chance to fight against Operation: Cinder and stop the Imperial attacks when they were unleashed, including on the Emperor's homeworld, the planet Naboo.

Personality and traits

Sakas was a confident and brash woman who was willing to participate in dangerous endeavors while serving as part of the Pathfinders. She was liked by her commanding officer, Han Solo, and shared a workable affinity with Kes Dameron when they worked together during a raid at the Wretch of Tayron. Sakas impressed Calrissian with her swift consumption of tsiraki, particularly upon seeing her pour herself another cup after already finishing one serving. The Mikkian had pink skin and blue eyes.


During the raid at the Wretch of Tayron, Sakas donned a Pathfinder uniform that included tan pants, a brown jacket, a belt with pouches, and brown boots. She wielded an A280 blaster rifle during the raid.

Behind the scenes

Sakas first appeared in the third issue of the Star Wars: Shattered Empire comic-book miniseries. The issue was written by Greg Rucka and released by Marvel Comics on October 14, 2015. The scenes depicting Sakas were drawn by Marco Checchetto.










