Ryko Vant

Captain Ryko Vant was a Human male Imperial officer stationed on the planet Jerne during the Galactic Civil War. The commander of the Imperial forces at Jerne City H.Q., Vant at one point after the Battle of Yavin managed to capture major Rebel leaders Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, but was assaulted by guerrillas led by Meeka Reen before he could take them into custody.

Vant fled in terror back to Jerne City on a jetpack as his stormtroopers were slaughtered, where he was confronted by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had come to Jerne to spring a trap of his own—he intended to lure Skywalker and Organa into an ambush at Adony Station with rumors of a powerful artifact called the "Eternity Crystal." Vant accompanied Vader to Adony Station to watch the Rebels' demise, but Skywalker turned the tables and killed Vant with a proton grenade.

Ryko Vant first appeared in the comic "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published in the The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153 in January 1982.

Behind the scenes

Ryko Vant first appeared in the comic "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published in the The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 153 in January 1982.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



