Meeka Reen

Meeka Reen was a Human female leader of insurgent forces on the planet Jerne. Between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, she encountered two Rebels, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, who revealed to her the whereabouts of an ancient crystal that could supposedly control time. Reen pretended to be skeptical of Skywalker's story, but in reality, she was intrigued at the amount of power the crystal would give its user.

She allowed a mission to the location of the crystal, Adony Station, to be undertaken. After encountering and defeating a number of Imperials, Reen, her pirates, and the Rebels found the location of the vault containing the crystal. Reen then turned on Skywalker and Organa, intending on taking the crystal for herself. However, when she entered the vault, a pre-planted bomb exploded, killing her and her gang.

Interrogating the Rebels

Meeka Reen was skeptical that Luke Skywalker intended to go to Adony Station.

Meeka Reen was skeptical that Luke Skywalker intended to go to Adony Station.

Meeka Reen was a Human female who was the leader of a gang of pirates on the planet Jerne. Despite her forces rebelling against the Galactic Empire, they did not ally themselves with the Rebel Alliance. At some point between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, a group of her pirates imprisoned the Rebels Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. They brought the pair to Reen, who told them that she would deal with them later but first wanted to know what had happened to the Imperial Captain Ryko Vant, whom she considered to be scum. One of her crew responded that he had escaped and, by that time, had likely gotten back to Jerne City H.Q. Reen then turned her attention to the Rebels, who explained that they were planning to head toward Adony Station. Reen was surprised that they intended to go there as the location had nothing but an Imperial outpost and even lacked a cantina.

It was then that Skutch, one of Reen's gang members, noticed that Skywalker's droid, R2-D2, had an electronic trace on him, leading Reen to order him to quickly remove it and subsequently tell Skywalker that he had some explaining to do or else she would get rid of him as well. Skywalker then gave his explanation as to why he needed Reen's help to get to Adony Station: he claimed that a month prior, the Rebels had discovered a ship with image tapes that revealed an object of importance to the Rebel Alliance was located at the station.

Reen had no intention of helping the Rebels.

Reen had no intention of helping the Rebels.

He tried to end his story there, but Reen did not allow it, proclaiming that no one would approach Adony Station until she knew what the Alliance was seeking. Skywalker then relented once he saw a guard raising a blaster to Organa's head, further explaining that the tapes had revealed the existence of an artifact known as the Eternity Crystal that had the ability to wind time backward and have it flow forwards again from whenever the user chose. With a laid-back posture, Reen pretended she did not believe him in the slightest, but internally, she was intrigued, theorizing that such a crystal could make her empress of the universe. She then told Skywalker that she would give him a chance, but she threatened that if his story was false, his punishment would be death. To herself, Reen thought Skywalker would end up dead anyway, for she was not going to let such an opportunity slip away.

Investigating Adony

Reen following her victory

Reen following her victory

With the new day, the guerrillas and Rebels gathered supplies for the attack. When Reen noticed Skywalker taking his weapons, she asked Skutch to keep an eye on him. The heavily armed party of twenty then departed, with Reen making sure that everyone was aboard the skimmers. Reen and Skywalker went to scout the Imperial outpost at the station, with both of them noticing that it did not look to be reinforced as they expected. The whole group then traveled down, and Reen noted her sense of apprehension about the situation. At that point, the Imperials opened fire, and Skywalker shouted for everyone to return fire. The guerrillas took damage, with Reen ordering for them to keep pouring on the laserfire and to move in on foot while scattering.

After the brief skirmish, Reen celebrated their victory, calling it an easy win. Skywalker was surprised at her comment, for she had lost six of her men, but Reen felt that they had meant nothing: she drew attention to the fact that both Skywalker and Organa had survived the ordeal, which allowed them to find the vault. The remaining individuals then moved on to the ancient ruins, with Organa noting the location's familiarity. Reen then retrieved proton grenades from Skutch. As Skywalker inspected the ruins, Reen kicked up some dirt, complaining that the place had nothing but stones and dust. Organa then announced that a symbol on the door matched the one from the tapes.

Reen preparing to enter

Reen preparing to enter

Once Reen heard her, she determined that the two Rebels were no longer necessary, so she ordered them to drop their guns and stand away from the site with Skutch, who she had to make sure that they would cause no trouble. She planned to ransom the pair to the highest bidder. Reen directed one of her pirates to give her a grenade in order to blast the door open. Once that was completed, she and her band went inside. As Reen speculated what could be inside the vault, she asked for someone to bring her a light, but a bomb that had been planted earlier by the Sith Lord Darth Vader—intended for Skywalker and Organa—then exploded, killing Reen and her pirates; there was no crystal at Adony Station, for the whole incident had been a trap set up by Vader.

Personality and traits

Meeka Reen intended to kill Luke Skywalker if his story turned out to be false.

Meeka Reen intended to kill Luke Skywalker if his story turned out to be false.

Leia Organa considered Reen to be a not-nice individual, worrying prior to her encounter with the gang leader. Reen thought of Imperials such as Captain Vant as scum, and she felt that Adony Station's lack of a cantina made it an uninteresting location. When she discovered that Luke Skywalker had a story to tell, she was willing to threaten him at gunpoint until he revealed all of the details. After the Rebel was done speaking, Reen pretended to not believe him while internally being excited at the prospects of his tale. She subsequently let him "convince" her to give the plan a chance, continuing to threaten him with death all the while and holding his chin while doing so.

When Reen lost six of her men to the Empire, it was of little concern to her as she considered them to be worthless. She continued to focus on getting to the vault, even mistakenly letting slip her plans, saying that she alone intended to find it instead of the whole group. Once the entrance was found, she executed her double-cross, having the Rebels taken away by Skutch. Reen had black hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.


Meeka Reen wore brown clothing and gloves that utilized a cape along with a gold-colored jacket. She also donned a brown belt, brown boots, gold-colored earrings, and a gold-colored headband. She used a blaster to fight off the stormtroopers and proton grenades to enter the ancient vault.

Behind the scenes

Meeka Reen first appeared in the comic story "Dark Knight's Devilry," which was written by Steve Moore, illustrated by Alan Davis, and first published in 153rd issue of The Empire Strikes Back Monthly in January 1982.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia






