Rol (Human)

Rol was a Human male bodyguard who worked for the droid information broker 8t88 during the year 5 ABY. Rol served 8t88 while the latter stayed in the Barons Hed government building on the moon Sulon for official business related to the Galactic Empire, and at one point helped install a new arm onto 8t88's body. However, Rol's "help" merely infuriated 8t88 due to Rol being unable to pick the right tool for the job.

Rol later retrieved the government house's duplicitous majordomo and witnessed 8t88 execute the man for causing a grievance towards the droid—rather than resting 8t88 and his minions in a lavish VIP suite, he instead placed them in a coat room. Rol, along with fellow bodyguards Hontho and Trox, met their deaths at the hands of Kyle Katarn, a man who was after 8t88's head.

An inferior biological

Rol worked for 8t88 as a bodyguard.

Rol worked for 8t88 as a bodyguard.

Rol was a Human male bodyguard who worked for the Model 88-series droid information broker 8t88, alongside fellow bodyguards and servants Hontho and Trox, during the year 5 ABY. Rol and the others stayed with 8t88 as he worked for the Galactic Empire on the moon Sulon, and worked out of the Sulon Government House. Due to what 8t88 later perceived as part of an anti-droid sentiment, the house's majordomo placed 8t88 and his hirelings in a coatroom that was adjoined to a ballroom.

Before setting out to work on the Empire's contract, 8t88 decided to replace an arm he had lost while on the moon Nar Shaddaa during a shootout with Kyle Katarn, a man 8t88 attempted to double-cross. 8t88 enlisted Rol's help in installing a new arm, and at some point asked Rol to hand him a tuning stylus. Rol, unable to tell the difference between a tuning stylus and a testing probe, handed 8t88 a testing probe. 8t88 angrily threw it back at him, took the right instrument, and proceeded to wonder how a biological like Rol could live.

The coatroom debacle

8t88 had come to realize that his supposed VIP suite was a coatroom. Once 8t88's arm was fully installed, the droid sent for the majordomo, which the henchmen saw as one of his eccentricities. Rol found the majordomo, only for him to take his time in actually heeding Rol's call. When the majordomo did answer, he preceded Rol up the stairs that led to 8t88's quarters, and Rol felt uneasy hearing the condencension in the man's words. The man initially attempted to bluff himself out, and the droid asked him to approach to listen him better; Rol exchanged looks with Hontho, knowing that his could hear the slightest sound from a distance. Shuffling forward, he was grabbed by the droid and , causing Rol and Trox to wrinkle their noses. Right then 8t88 executed the man. Rol was about to remove the majordomo's body from the room when 8t88 decided to instead feed it to his pet hornagaunt Grendel.

At some point, Rol, Trox, and Hontho encountered Kyle Katarn, who had followed 8t88 from Nar Shaddaa. All three bodyguards were killed by Katarn as he made his way through the Government House. When Katarn finally reached 8t88, the droid called for his bodyguards, only for Katarn to reveal that he had killed them.

Personality and traits

A Human male, Rol was uneasy around his droid boss, and spoke shakily when being addressed by the droid. Rol was subject to 8t88's abuse, simply because Rol was a biological being. 8t88 also referred to Rol as an idiot for not being able to identify a tuning stylus. However, when 8t88 demanded that Rol fetch the Government House's majordomo, Rol shrugged the reasoning for the demand off as one of 8t88's eccentricities. Rol became uneasy when the majordomo first presented himself to 8t88, and wrinkled his nose at the smell of the majordomo's urine as it pooled at the man's feet as he died.

Behind the scenes

Rol first appeared in the 1998 novella Dark Forces: Rebel Agent, which was written by science-fiction author William C. Dietz. Rol is referred to as a male henchman, and although some events are seen from Rol's point of view, he has no dialogue in the novella.

In the audio adaption of the novella, there is an unnamed servant with a distinctly feminine voice who fills some of Rol's role. She is seen assisting 8t88 with his repairs with a trembling voice, failing to fetch him the correct tool, as Rol doesn in the novella; it is mentioned that the servant had sent for the majordomo, who then arrived, unlike Rol who left the room to bring him. After killing the majordomo, the droid tells the servant to remind to whoever is in charge, his importance; he tells her to dispose his body, before deciding that it should be fed to Grendel. The servant's voice actress in the audio drama was not credited.

Rol's, and the other henchmen's names, are mentioned later in the audio drama, when 8t88 calls them, before Kyle informs him of their fate, as in the novella.

This article treats Rol as a male, however includes details from the audio drama's female servant.

In the novella, Kyle says that "Rol and his friends are permanently indisposed." suggesting he had killed them. However in the audio drama he is more ambiguous, saying "I am afraid they will not be joining us for the rest of their lives" suggesting he had somehow disabled them but were still alive.






