
In 3 BBY, the pirates on the Bloodskull attacked the House Dooku airship Windrunner with the intention of capturing Bron Dooku. During the battle, Ramchak fought in hand-to-hand combat with the Imperial agent Jahan Cross. Cross overpowered the Gotal, and went on to destroy the Bloodskull by commandeering one of its deck-mounted turbolasers, using it to blow a hole in the hull. Ramchak and the rest of his crew later surrendered and were sent to the Spike. Cross later released Ramchak and his crew to use them as a distraction so he could free Aveca Dunn from the prison.


In 3 BBY, the pirates on the Bloodskull attacked the House Dooku airship Windrunner with the intention of capturing Bron Dooku. During the battle, Ramchak fought in hand-to-hand combat with the Imperial agent Jahan Cross. Cross overpowered the Gotal, and went on to destroy the Bloodskull by commandeering one of its deck-mounted turbolasers, using it to blow a hole in the hull. Ramchak and the rest of his crew later surrendered and were sent to the Spike. Cross later released Ramchak and his crew to use them as a distraction so he could free Aveca Dunn from the prison.






