Raid on Pabu

Around 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire performed a raid on the island Pabu to retrieve genetically defective clone Omega. After Clone X trooper CX-2 tracked her down by interrogating her former associate Ciddarin Scaleback and stealing the island's coordinates from Phee Genoa's starship, CX-2 finally found Omega, destroyed Clone Force 99's shuttle the Marauder, and called for reinforcements. The forces that arrived locked down the island by destroying any starships and sailing ships in the docks and began searching the city's houses one by one. After Hunter failed to commandeer an Imperial Low Altitude Assault Transport to escape the blockade, Omega was forced to surrender to the Imperials in hopes that her allies could use her to track down Tantiss Base's coordinates and rescue her. When she was captured, TK stormtroopers discovered and removed her comlink that would allow her to be tracked. As another option, Crosshair attempted to plant a homing beacon on the ship that was taking Omega away, specifically CX-2's CX Dagger vessel. However, he was unable to, and Omega was taken away, unaware that her allies had no way to track her down.



