
The Ragtags were a group of low-life thugs who formed the Ragtag gang. They operated on the planet Corellia at the time of the Galactic Civil War.


The Ragtags and the Meatlump gang were known to have a very hostile relationship. The Ragtags really hated the Meatlumps for some reason, even though the Meatlumps barely acknowledged the Ragtags existed. In 1 ABY, the Ragtags vandalized the Coronet Starport, hoping to blame the Meatlumps and get them into trouble. The truth was revealed after the intervention of a spacer was working for CorSec Lieutenant Mack Jasper, with the help of journalist Finn Shallo an the ex-Ragtag Demmi Wot. The spacer pursued the Ragtags responsible for the vandalism in the Corellian system. The Ragtags flying Z-95-AF4 Headhunters attacked, forcing the spacer to kill most of them.

A Ragtag/Rogue CorSec meeting.

A Ragtag/Rogue CorSec meeting.

Around the same time, the Ragtag thug Tomi Jinsin, who was also an employee of Ral Mundi's Starship Emporium, helped the Ragtags to steal a shipment of starship components from Ral Mundi. In the meantime, the Ragtags worked with a group of former members of the Corellian Security Force known as the Rogue CorSec. The Rogue CorSec recruited the Ragtags to smuggle illegal spice in the Coronet Capitol in order to discredit the Diktat and his government. However, the plan was foiled because the Ragtags made a mistake and also smuggled the shipment stolen from Ral Mundi in the Capitol. The spacer working for CorSec Lieutenant Jasper found the spice in the Capitol while he was searching for Mundi's missing shipment. Ragtags pilots tried to eliminate the spacer in the Corellian system, but unsuccessfully. The spacer later intimidated some Ragtags on the outskirts Coronet and discovered the involvement of Tomi Jinsin. After killing Jinsin in a Ragtag bunker, the spacer learnt the delivery of Ral Mundi's shipment in the Capitol, along with the spice. After further investigations, Lieutenant Jasper and the spacer discovered the connection between Rogue CorSec and Ragtags. They eventually fought the Rogue CorSec and proved the Diktat's innocence.

A short time later, a traitorous CorSec agent named Jori sold to the Ragtags information concerning a cargo of weapons carried to the local CorSec force in Tyrena. Lacking firepower to perform themselves the thief, the Ragtags hired the criminals known as the Deflarians to hijack Captain Donovan's ship and steal the cargo of weapons. The Deflarians were successful but Captain Jark and Inspector Cora of the CorSec finally unveiled the operation. Several Ragtags and Deflarians, as well as the traitor Jori, were killed during the subsequent CorSec retaliatory strike. During those events, the Ragtags were mounting an offensive against CorSec forces in Tyrena but the plan was also foiled by the CorSec.

The same year, a group of Ragtag cudgels led by Lilea Norith and Ventil Tamplin was present in Doaba Guerfel. They harassed Lilith Laughlin, a small-time thug and CorSec informant, until they were stopped by a CorSec agent working for Captain Vitala Baize.

Around the same time, a group of Ragtags led by Gramo Murah was based in a bunker in the Nomad Mountains. They were in conflict with a band of Meatlumps led by Strilath Farles. In 1 ABY, a spacer working for Corellia Times reporter Vani Korr accepted to deal with Farles in exchange for information about the Meatlumps. The adventurer then attacked the Ragtag base and killed Gramo Murah and his Ragtag goons.

As part of their conflict with the Meatlumps, the Ragtags used to ambush meeting points for smugglers who delivered goods to the Meatlumps. In 1 ABY, a band of Ragtags attacked the rendezvous point of the smuggler Charl Sstena with a spacer affiliated with the Meatlumps. The spacer finally killed all the Ragtags. Around the same time, the Ragtag Ames Miss'd and his henchmen Anita B'ath and Box O'Rox used to to harass new recruits of the Meatlumps in Coronet. Angered by this situation, a food supply clerk of the Meatlumps tasked a spacer allied with the Meatlumps to teach the Ragtags a lesson. The spacer attempted to intimidate Ames Miss'd but the Ragtag ordered Anita and Box to attack the spacer. Eventually, the spacer managed to kill them both. Unable to defend himself, Ames Miss'd surrendered and accepted to live the Meatlumps alone.










