
The Meatlumps, also known as the Meatlump Gang, were a band of fanatical technology-hating ruffians, criminals, and terrorists active on Corellia during the Galactic Civil War.


The Meatlumps were originally known as a group of anti-technology thugs and small-time criminals from the planet Corellia. They were described by the Corellian Security Force authorities as "fanatical" and "somewhat stupid" progress haters. Most of the Meatlumps spent their time in destroying technological devices. They did not directly attack people but, due to their fanatical destructive nature, they could be very dangerous. In fact their indirect victims numbered in the thousands Furthermore, some Meatlumps had turned to terrorists and did not hesitate in planting bombs in densely populated cities to achieve their objectives.

A Meatlump.

A Meatlump.

The Meatlumps were based predominantly on Corellia where they had made themselves a home in abandoned maintenance tunnels beneath the city of Coronet. It was in this secret hideout that the Meatlump King lived and held court to his followers. Since the Meatlumps despised technology, most of them refused space travel. However, they had managed to establish a small presence on Talus, Naboo, Rori, Lok, and Tatooine.

Virtually all members of the Meatlump Gang were Human. They usually wore red-colored clothes and had their hairs dyed in bright colors. Meatlump ranks included dunder, lunk, donk, simp, nerp, lieutenant, captain and decider. The gang had even adopted its own currency known as the Meatlump Lump.

The Meatlumps were in open conflict with the Corellian Security Force as well with the Rogue CorSecs and Beldonna's League. Also, the Meatlumps and the Ragtag gang were known to have a very hostile relationship. The Ragtags really hated the Meatlumps for some reason, even though the Meatlumps barely acknowledged the Ragtags existed.


The Meatlump King.

The Meatlump King.

The Meatlumps were formed by an ex-Imperial scientist who regretted that he had helped build weapons for the Empire. When Imperial assassins attempted to kill him, his three sons, described by the CorSec authorities as "dullards in their own right" helped the Meatlump King to create the Meatlumps, naming the gang after their favorite food. These three brothers — Hraykken, Draykken and Louis Bender — were in fact taken by the King from their abusive biological father, the mad scientist Lucien Bender. While the Meatlump King became the ideological and public leader of the Meatlumps, the Bender brothers handled the daily operational details of the gang activities. In response, their father Lucien created the Bofa Treat Gang, also named after food, and placed a bounty on his three sons.

After the Battle of Yavin, the conflict with the Ragtags continued to escalate. The Ragtags once vandalized the Coronet Starport, hoping to blame the Meatlumps and get them into trouble. Furthermore, the violent attacks from a group of Ragtags led by Gramo Murah forced the band of Meatlumps led by Strilath Farles to flee Corellia and relocate on the planet Talus.

A group of Meatlumps, including Ubbal Fenn, Pech Seki and Hrath Koo, was based in a cave near the city of Tyrena. In 1 ABY, they attacked the starship captain Osto Grissom because he used to transport electronics and harassed Teilo Monnro's shop in Tyrena.

A graffiti created by the Meatlumps.

A graffiti created by the Meatlumps.

After the Battle of Yavin, the activities of the Meatlumps were investigated by the Corellia Times journalist Vani Korr who, with the help of an unknown traveler. Around 1 ABY, Vani Korr published an article called Who are the Meatlumps?. In the article she revealed that while displaying the behavior of mere thugs, the Meatlumps had actually never directly caused the death of anyone. She suggested that they actually viewed people as obstacles rather than targets, and once out of the way, they were ignored. Instead, the Meatlumps seemed to focus on technological devices, and that whenever they did attack anyone, it was usually to acquire one such device. Korr had herself been attacked by the Meatlumps, but as soon as she was no longer an obstacle for them, they ignored her and focused on her speeder. She concluded that they were dangerous, and could reveal that they were led by the three Bender brothers. Vani Korr and the spacer later continued to investigate the Meatlumps as they wished to determine whether the Meatlump King truly existed. The reporter started tracking crimes of vandalism against machinery and technology in order to find some Meatlumps. She finally received word that a Meatlump was smashing generators in Coronet. This old Meatlump, Alliin Mepou, was quite disillusioned but he could not retire from the Meatlumps unless a new person take his place. The spacer, who realized he could use this situation to infiltrate the Meatlumps, indeed accepted to replace the old man. The spacer therefore went to work for Alliin Mepou's lieutenant, Kaiya Merel. The spacer performed several missions for the lieutenant, including killing one of her rivals, another Meatlump lieutenant by the name Stephax Dain, and attacking a Weapons Research Facility on Rori. Kaiya Merel therefore accepted the spacer among the Meatlumps and gave to her new recruit full access to the secret Meatlump Hideout. The spacer was one of the few non-Meatlumps who entered the Meatlump Hideout and finally encountered the fabled Meatlump King. The information gathered in the hideout allowed Vani Korr to finalize her article. She revealed the presence of the Meatlump Hideout below the streets of Coronet and the existence of the Meatlump King.

The Meatlump King is apprehended by a CorSec agent.

The Meatlump King is apprehended by a CorSec agent.

Meanwhile, another Corellia Times reporter, Halden Wes, joined the investigation and inquired about the Meatlump terrorist activities, particularly outside their home planet. In fact, the Meatlumps had established camp near the cities of Tyrena, Kor Vella and Doaba Guerfel on Corellia, Nashal on Talus, Theed and Moenia on Naboo, Narmle on Rori, Nym's Stronghold on Lok, and near Wayfar and Mos Taike on Tatooine where they gathered large amounts of supplies, food, weapons and explosives. They also placed bombs in several of these cities. As it appeared that the Meatlumps were planning terrorist attacks, Halden Wes hired a spacer to raid the Meatlump camps. The spacer traveled to all those worlds and sacked the camps.

Later the same year, Hraykken and Draykken Bender sent a spacer affiliated with the Meatlumps attack a droid factory that manufactured helper droids on Corellia. A short time later, Louis Bender was captured by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk. The spacer rescued Louis and killed his biological father, Lucien Bender, in the process.

At some point, a Corellian Security Force agent entered the hideout and apprehended the Meatlump King at blasterpoint in his throne room.

Behind the scenes

The Meatlumps appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.

The background story of the Meatlumps was revealed with Vani Korr's quest line "Corellian Times Investigations," added to the game with the "Publish 21," released on August 4, 2005, This story was later widely expanded with the introduction of the so-called "Meatlumps Theme Park" with the "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King," released on June 19, 2008.



















