
Réillata was a human female from Naboo. Born around 51 BBY, she twice served as the monarch of her people, the Naboo. The first time was a two-year term in around 36 BBY, when Padmé Amidala—a future queen of Naboo herself—was still a young girl. Upon stepping down, she became a moderately successful opera singer. Her second term started in 28 BBY, after Amidala's four-year reign ended. Réillata ran again for the election, campaigning on the experience and stability her years afforded her. Although she was an older candidate than tradition dictated, she was elected queen once again, beating Jamillia.


When future handmaiden Eirtaé was just a girl, Réillata was elected Queen of Naboo. Although she hadn't been a bad queen, after serving two years, Réillata decided to not run again, she had liked being queen and helping people but by the end of her reign she had convinced herself that she wasn't helping enough, instead turning her focus towards opera, and went on to be a moderately successful opera singer.

Years later, in the middle of a performance, Réillata realised how ridiculous her logic was. She could sing arias in front of hundreds and emphasize with every person in the room and could listen as well as she could speak. So Réillata talked with her family and after Queen Padmé Amidala served two two-year terms, Réillata campaigned again to be elected Queen. She was elected again, beating Jamillia.

During the ceremony in which political power was passed from Amidala to Réillata, Réillata revealed that Senator Oshadam was retiring from the Galactic Senate, having served after Palpatine had been elected Supreme Chancellor. She asked Amidala to serve in the Senate for Naboo and the other worlds in the Chommell sector which she eventually agreed to.

Like her predecessor Réillata was served by several handmaidens including her young niece. When Amidala briefly returned to Naboo after a week long stay on Alderaan, Réillata welcomed her and her entourage back in the palace throne room. In a private conversation between the two, Réillata encouraged Amidala to return to the Senate and explained her decision to run for queen again.

Personality and traits

A queen nearing twenty three was young for most places in the galaxy but on Naboo Réillata was older than tradition dictated and had campaigned on experience and stability her years had afforded her. Like her competitor Jamillia, Réillata agreeded with Amidala in matters of planetary defence specifically with projects that hadn't been completed in Amidala's tenure such as the ion pulse. Réillata was also been understanding of the time Amidala needed with her family after she returned from Coruscant.

The handmaiden Saché watched Réillata's second coronation she noted that she wore the red dress of Naboo sovereignty but thought, somewhat treasonously, that she lacked Amidala's inherit kindness. Saché was forced to muster up some grudging respect for Réillata as she managed to make her poise and steady pace look deliberate.

Réillata was taller than Amidala and had short hair.

Behind the scenes

Réillata first appeared within the new Star Wars canon in the 2019 novel Queen's Shadow by E. K. Johnston, where she is established to have reigned after Padmé Amidala and before Jamillia. In Star Wars Legends, Jamillia started her reign immediately once Amidala ended hers.

The actress Arden Cho served as Queen's Shadow author E. K. Johnston's inspiration for Réillata's physical appearance.
















