Pysk Lila

Pysk Lila was a Mon Calamari female who served the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet as a captain of the Star Cruiser Aurora Flare.


Pysk Lila was a Mon Calamari female who served the Mon Cala Mercantile Fleet as a captain of the Star Cruiser Aurora Flare. In 1 ABY, after learning of the death of King Lee-Char, the Mercantile Fleet, which was stationed above the planet Mon Cala, began to rebel against the Imperial personnel aboard their ships. During this, Lila clubbed a stormtrooper to death with their own helmet. Shortly after, the Empire blockaded the planet. However, as they began their plan to put down the Mon Cala resistance, a fleet of rebel starships, led by Admiral Gial Ackbar, emerged from hyperspace after being contacted by Regent Dors Urtya.

In an attempt to breach the blockade, Ackbar contacted Lila aboard the Aurora Flare asking the captain to volunteer to sacrifice the ship and its crew in an attempt to breach the blockade. Lila bravely accepted the task, and Ackbar told her to send the Aurora Flare towards the Star Destroyer commanded by Admiral Tyrus Meori with a full load of coaxium from Redhurne system stored aboard.

The Aurora Flare is badly damaged by the turbolaser fire

The Aurora Flare is badly damaged by the turbolaser fire

As the ship made its way towards the enemy, Lila stood on the ship's bridge and was informed by crew members that the shields were failing. As the Aurora Flare drew closer, Admiral Meori asked for the records to be checked and to identify the ship. When he learned of what the ship was carrying, he immediately ordered his crew to stop firing on the ship. However, it was too late and Lila's ship crashed into and significantly damaged the Star Destroyer, destroying the Aurora Flare and killing Lila and its crew in the process.

Lila's sacrifice allowed the rebels and twelve Mon Cala cruisers to escape to the rebel's Mako-Ta Base.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy



