Tyrus Meori

Tyrus Meori was a human male who served as an admiral in the Imperial Navy. He was promoted to admiral after he won victories at Hargawi and Narrant Shoals. After the Mon Calamari began a mutiny, he was in command of a blockade of the planet Mon Cala. He informed another officer that they were to destroy any Mon Calamari ship that tried to break the blockade and to cripple any that did not before they boarded each ship to exterminate all resistance.

His underestimation of the Mon Calamari proved his undoing, however, when he ordered one such cruiser that rushed the blockade be fired upon without verifying its designation or cargo. When a subordinate identified it as the Aurora Flare and carrying a load of coaxium, highly volatile hyperfuel, Meori panicked and ordered his crew to cease fire and take evasive action. However, the order came too late as the Aurora Flare rammed into Meori's Star Destroyer, igniting its cargo. Although Meori survived the incident, both his flagship, the Aquilifer, and his career were seriously damaged.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy



