Poe Dameron 16

Publisher's summary

  • Who is Malarus and what does she want?
  • Meanwhile, the Resistance is running dangerously low on supplies.
  • Poe and Black Squadron are on the case![1]

Plot summary

On the Bulk freighter Romary, in the Mid Rim, Poe Dameron and Black squadron try to navigate the tanker through the asteroid field, trying not to slow down for the tanker will blow up if it does. When the shields fail, Karé Kun manages to shoot two astroids before they hit the freighter. They make it to the end of the field just as Black Squadron's X-wing starfighters run out of fuel. BB-8 tells Poe that he has been tracking the First Order, as there was some traces of Rhydonium in the fuel that they stole and that they haven't jumped to hyperspace yet. Jessika Pava deduces that since they haven't jumped into hyperspace, the must have a hyperspace ring nearby.

On the Enshado, the Lieutenant reports to Commander Malarus that the tanker would dock with the hyperspace ring soon. Malarus compliments Terex for being useful and more obedient due to the cybernetic implants in his head. A First Order Major suddenly reports that the Romary is coming up behind them. Poe contacts the First Order cruiser and demands that they surrender the fuel. Malarus orders to launch TIE/fo space superiority fighters and shoot the tanker before it gets to close to the Enshado.

Black squadron is able refuel their X-wings thanks to siphoning fuel from the Romary while having Pava's astromech droid, Kaythree pilot the light freighter.


  • Star Wars: Poe Dameron Vol. 3 — Legend Lost



