Plas Lelkot

Plas Lelkot was the surgeon consul of the planet Hosnian Prime during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was arrested by the Empire for hiding Imperial refugees in his own chateau and sent to the prison of Ashmead's Lock on the planet Kashyyyk. There, the prisoners were held in stasis and a behavioral modification biochip was forcibly implanted into Lelkot and the others to turn them into a drone of Imperial Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. In the year 5 ABY, Lelkot and all the other prisoners of Ashmead's Lock were freed during the Liberation of Kashyyyk and brought to the New Republic's capital Chandrila. Lelkot was amongst those whose names were listed by the Republic's Chancellor Mon Mothma during a celebration on Liberation Day; however, during the festivities Rax activated the control chips and forced the former prisoners to attack their allies.

Plas Lelkot was first mentioned in the novel Aftermath: Life Debt, which was written by Chuck Wendig and released released on July 12, 2016.

Behind the scenes

Plas Lelkot was first mentioned in the novel Aftermath: Life Debt, which was written by Chuck Wendig and released released on July 12, 2016.






