Padmé Amidala's N-1 starfighter

During the Clone Wars, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo occasionally flew a distinctive N-1 starfighter. Its hull was plated with chromium, which signified the presence of royalty in Naboo culture.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano was instructing Padmé Amidala in combat maneuvers in an area of space that contained asteroids and a comet. Amidala, accompanied by R2-D2, in her custom N-1, and Tano, piloting a standard N-1 starfighter, flew past an asteroid activating a dormant modified droid starfighter. The droid proceeded to attack the pair during which Tano's fighter was disabled. This forced Amidala to face the droid fighter alone. Knowing that droids could not improvise, the senator flew her fighter into the tail of the comet, hiding her from her pursuer. Once the droid fighter passed over her, she emerged from hiding behind her quarry and damaged it with her ship's blaster cannons, causing it to crash into the asteroid.


Amidala prepares to fire on the droid starfighter.

Amidala prepares to fire on the droid starfighter.

At some point during the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano was instructing Padmé Amidala in combat maneuvers in an area of space that contained asteroids and a comet. Amidala, accompanied by R2-D2, in her custom N-1, and Tano, piloting a standard N-1 starfighter, flew past an asteroid activating a dormant modified droid starfighter. The droid proceeded to attack the pair during which Tano's fighter was disabled. This forced Amidala to face the droid fighter alone. Knowing that droids could not improvise, the senator flew her fighter into the tail of the comet, hiding her from her pursuer. Once the droid fighter passed over her, she emerged from hiding behind her quarry and damaged it with her ship's blaster cannons, causing it to crash into the asteroid.



