
Olmondo was the former capital city of the planet Ruusan.


The city had black obelisks with alien writings. It was presumably destroyed during the Ruusan campaign at the end of the New Sith Wars.

Olmondo was mentioned in the Poem of Ages, according to which the Bouncers expected an alien Jedi Knight who would fly from the east, stay the night in Olmondo and ask for the Valley of the Jedi.

By 1 BBY it was completely buried under meters of the desert's sand; dunes marked its location. The remnants of a highway, going eastwards to some caverns, betrayed the former existence of the city.

Morgan Katarn out of curiosity followed the highway on the Old Codger, and by chance reached the dunes above Olmondo; that night he first encountered the Bouncers of Ruusan. It was here that Katarn learned about the prophecy, and to prove its truth the Bouncers revealed to him a buried black obelisk that marked the city's location under the dunes, which they later reburied to keep it safe. Katarn spent the night among the dunes with the Bouncers nearby and the next day he received directions to the Valley of the Jedi.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Jedi Academy Training Manual
  • The Essential Atlas






