O1-MG was a protocol droid gambler who played within the casinos of the city Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica. During the year 34 ABY, O1-MG was a participant in a game of Eclipse along with a man known as "DJ," who bet aggressively. Perturbed by DJ's play style and uncaring attitude towards his losses, O1-MG attempted to help DJ by presenting him with the mathematical odds with his heavy betting. DJ ignored the droid, and O1-MG was eventually forced to leave the table by the police detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol, an act O1-MG considered rude.

Unwilling to let things go, O1-MG located DJ's apartment and ransacked it: O1-MG uncovered a data file containing information about a "Denel Strench"—a made-up being with the reputation of a dangerous gangster whom DJ created—and accidentally downloaded the file into his core system, replacing a part of himself with Strench's identity. As Strench, O1-MG created havoc for DJ. First, he nearly got DJ killed by the arms dealer Flestic Crupp, and later forced DJ to get himself arrested in order to avoid being beaten to a pulp by the resort security team.

After revealing himself to DJ, O1-MG's vindictive game came to an end when he was discovered by Choi and Ipol. When the droid refused to surrender, the detectives blasted him apart.

Nosy gambler

O1-MG was a protocol droid with a penchant for gambling who used his math probability programming to determine the odds of winning hands at the holographic card game Eclipse. During the year 34 ABY, O1-MG was on the planet Cantonica, playing Eclipse in the Coruscant Hotel and Casino in the city of Canto Bight. The game, hosted by a Zabrak dealer, contained three other players: an Ithorian, a Twi'lek, and the human slicer known simply as DJ.

O1-MG tries to give DJ gambling advice.

O1-MG tries to give DJ gambling advice.

When DJ was given the game choice of "hit" or "stand," with the dealer choosing to stand, DJ decided to hit. Believing DJ to be making a mistake, O1-MG advised that DJ stand instead and gave DJ the odds of his success with his current play style. Even with the dealer in agreement, DJ ignored them and lost with a notable lack of interest in what O1-MG referred to as "the gross global product of a small but relatively thriving Middle Rim planet." O1-MG's nagging annoyed the Twi'lek player into leaving the table.

O1-MG was further perturbed by DJ's mannerisms when the slicer brazenly tipped a waitress with a third of his chips before giving the dealer the rest, save for one. Unbeknownst to all present, DJ was hacking the Eclipse table with a virus where the more money he lost, the more he would eventually win.

Shortly after, Canto Bight Police detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol arrived at the table to interrogate DJ while playing the game themselves. With the Ithorian having left too, Choi pressed O1-MG to leave in order to have DJ to himself. After a failed protest, O1-MG left the table, muttering to himself as he walked.

"Denel Strench"

As "Denel Strench," O1-MG orchestrated a brief scuffle between DJ and Flestic Crupp.

As "Denel Strench," O1-MG orchestrated a brief scuffle between DJ and Flestic Crupp.

Angered by the events that transpired, O1-MG decided to exact revenge by going through DJ's things in his apartment. While browsing, O1-MG came across a data file about an individual named "Denel Strench," who was known in Canto Bight as a dangerous gangster. However, Strench was a fabrication formulated by DJ to be used as an asset when needed. O1-MG accidentally downloaded the file into his core, and the detailed biography was powerful enough to replace part of O1-MG's own identity.

As Strench, O1-MG began to take his frustrations out on DJ, first by releasing the Rodian arms dealer Flestic Crupp from prison and telling him where to find DJ. As it happened, Crupp was tracked down and arrested on the suspicion of committing a crime that he did not commit, which then led back to Strench, whose last living associate was DJ. Crupp's vengeance on DJ was halted, though, by the security team of the resort led by Dezmoont.

After that, O1-MG hacked Dezmoont's cam droid, using slicing knowledge taken from DJ's info banks, and watched as DJ scammed the Vesustrian Eclipse tables in the same way that he scammed the Coruscant tables. As Strench, O1-MG relayed the video back to Dezmoont, who decided to kill DJ himself, despite promising "Strench" to spare him simply so "Strench" could finish DJ personally. With Choi and Ipol's help, DJ escaped the casino.

Fold and bust

Detectives Choi and Ipol destroyed O1-MG when he refused to surrender.

Detectives Choi and Ipol destroyed O1-MG when he refused to surrender.

O1-MG, using the hacked cam droid, pursued DJ as he jumped into the speeder of the podracer Groff Fordly, who promised DJ a ride earlier. Fordly floored the speeder through Canto Bight, pursued by Dezmoont's own speeders and O1-MG. Although both speeders were eventually lost, O1-MG's cam droid kept pace and eventually confronted DJ after the slicer forced Fordly to crash into a parked vehicle in front of Canto Bight police officers.

DJ correctly identified the cam droid's controller as a corrupted O1-MG, leading DJ to wonder just how long ago he had created the "Strench" character. Regardless, Choi and Ipol went to DJ's apartment and found O1-MG still rummaging through his things. The detectives ordered O1-MG to surrender, a command the droid ignored. As such, Choi and Ipol shot him, simultaneously killing both O1-MG and "Strench."


A mathematically inclined droid that DJ believed to be beholden to his programming, O1-MG was simply dumbfounded by DJ's erratic betting behavior, not knowing it was simply a part of the slicer's scheme to scam the Eclipse table. However, DJ's seemingly haphazard strategies prompted O1-MG to at least try and help DJ make more successful choices. The more DJ brushed him off, though, the more confused and bewildered O1-MG became, with his peak puzzlement being at DJ's generous tipping.

O1-MG was largely confused by DJ's actions throughout their shared game of Eclipse.

O1-MG was largely confused by DJ's actions throughout their shared game of Eclipse.

O1-MG was further put off by Detective Choi's rude dismissal of the droid's desire to play at the Eclipse table, and figured that negotiating with the detective would be fruitless. The series of confusing and angering events caused O1-MG to commit the criminal act of breaking and entering into DJ's apartment, which only got the droid the identity of the fake criminal "Denel Strench" downloaded into his core.

As "Strench," O1-MG's vindictiveness took the form of causing DJ endless trouble that culminated with the elimination of DJ's "Strench" character, him becoming a fugitive from at least two hotels, and his arrest by Canto Bight's authorities. O1-MG's refusal to submit after being caught led to his termination.

Behind the scenes

O1-MG appeared in the 2018 one-shot comic book Star Wars: The Last Jedi – DJ – Most Wanted 1, a tie-in story for the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, written by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker.

Although most of the panels depicting O1-MG showed him with pupil-less photoreceptors, O1-MG's final appearance in the comic inexplicably had him drawn with pupils.



