
Dezmoont, also known as The Moont or just Moont, was a ranking security guard for the hotel and casino on the planet Cantonica during the year 34 ABY. After a slicer known as "DJ" scammed the Coruscant Hotel and Casino, Dezmoont was hired by DJ to provide an escort to the Vesustrian. Aware of DJ's behavior, Dezmoont promised to keep a close eye on DJ and proceeded to follow the slicer throughout the resort. However, after learning that DJ was the target of the gangster Denel Strench, Dezmoont upped the security around DJ.

In actuality, Strench was merely a nonexistent being DJ made up. Despite this, "Strench"—the personality having now been hijacked by a vengeful droid DJ played against in a game of Eclipse—alerted Dezmoont to DJ's attempts to scam the Vesustrian Eclipse tables. Dezmoont attempted to apprehend DJ, but the slicer escaped with the help of a pair of a Canto Bight police detectives and a podracer pilot—the escapade landed DJ in prison, and thus beyond Dezmoont's grasp.

Early life

Dezmoont was born on Melm to parents who gave him his name because they thought it was for the "The Mountain." In actuality, "moont" didn't mean anything in uptic. While growing up on Melm, Dezmoont never imagined a richer lifestyle for himself.

At some point, Dezmoont found himself on the planet Cantonica and secured a position as a high ranking security guard at the , a hotel and casino resort located in the city of Canto Bight. Dezmoont, now more commonly known as "The Moont," enjoyed the job due to the fact that it allowed him to commit justified acts of violence towards unruly or nefarious patrons.

Personal concierge

Dezmoont and his guards collect DJ for his escort.

Dezmoont and his guards collect DJ for his escort.

During the year 34 ABY, Dezmoont as a detachment of security guards headed to the Coruscant Hotel and Casino on the call of customer known as "DJ," who had asked for an escort to the Vesustrian. Upon arriving, Dezmoont found DJ and Canto Bight Police Department detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol facing down the Coruscant's owner, Jorka Edy, and two of his own security guards. As it happened, Edy had caught DJ cheating at a game of Eclipse and wanted his money back. However, rather than pushing the matter in the face of Dezmoont, and believing it would be of more value to let DJ scam the Vesustrian, Edy let Dezmoont and his men lead DJ away from both the Coruscant and the cops.

However, Dezmoont was well aware of DJ's scams and slicer capabilities and as such vowed to keep a very close eye on DJ's activities within the Vesustrian, and threatened violence if DJ was to be caught. Before hitting the game rooms, Dezmoont and DJ toured the resort, visiting a fathier race track, a dissected tauntaun exhibit, and a restaurant.

Remembering and having overheard a conversation between DJ and the Canto Bight cops, Dezmoont asked if DJ was currently the target of someone, to which DJ replied with "Denel Strench." Knowing Strench's reputation as a gangster, Dezmoont heightened the security around DJ. While at an Eclipse table, DJ, annoyed by Dezmoont's constant surveillance, asked if the security guard could instead watch from a remote cam droid. Dezmoont agreed on the stipulation of that if he caught DJ cheating, he would be allowed to break every bone in the slicer's body.

Clocking in for real

However, sometime after Dezmoont departed, he was contacted by Strench personally and was told that DJ was in fact cheating at Eclipse. Along with a few other security guards, Dezmoont confronted DJ, who had again rendezvoused with detectives Choi and Ipol. Dezmoont explained that Strench showed him exactly how DJ hacked the system, and further promised to kill DJ for the crime.

Dezmoont kept close tabs on DJ while in the Vesustrian, which put them at odds with each other.

Dezmoont kept close tabs on DJ while in the Vesustrian, which put them at odds with each other.

While Choi and Ipol held off Dezmoont's men, DJ made for the nearby speeder of the podracer Groff Fordly, who had earlier promised DJ a ride. Dezmoont boarded a speeder of his own and alongside another gave chase to to the fugitive slicer. The pair managed to drag Dezmoont's escort into a crash, turning the escape into a one on one chase. DJ lost the tail for good when he had Fordly blindly turn a corner and into a larger vehicle being overseen by Canto Bight officers.

DJ was placed under arrest knowing that, while the law tended to favor the jurisdiction of the casinos over the local cops, the casinos lacked the power of extradition, meaning that he'd be safe behind bars. As DJ was detained, Dezmoont watched from afar and, powerless to pursue his prey any longer, left the scene.

Ironically, Denel Strench was actually a fake personality coined by DJ to help him out in the streets. Dezmoont was actually contacted by a vindictive protocol droid gambler who, while snooping around DJ's apartment, accidentally uploaded Strench's data-file into its core.

Personality and traits

Dezmoont relished both violence and the idea of unleashing said violence on DJ.

Dezmoont relished both violence and the idea of unleashing said violence on DJ.

A pale-yellow skinned member of a humanoid species, Dezmoont adored violence. The mere thought of catching DJ cheating so that he could cause the human pain pleased Dezmoont—this went as far as Dezmoont agreeing to back off of DJ on the grounds that Dezmoont could pulverize DJ freely if the slicer was caught cheating. The security guard openly professed his love of violence to DJ, and made vague remarks of having dismembered a being.

Dezmoont was also amused by the financial damage DJ caused to the Coruscant Hotel and Casino, but realizing the danger DJ presented by visiting Vesustrian, Dezmoont shadowed DJ's every move and chewed his ears to keep DJ occupied from cheating. DJ considered Dezmoont to be both dangerous and as crazy as a Kowakian monkey-lizard on pol pollen.

Although largely unafraid of combat, the police, and Jorka Edy, upon hearing that DJ was being tailed by the supposed gangster Delen Strench, Dezmoont became more stoic and upped his security. Dezmoont tended to , and his chin was covered in tattoos.

Behind the scenes

Dezmoont was created for the 2018 one-shot comic book Star Wars: The Last Jedi – DJ – Most Wanted 1, a tie-in story for the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, written by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker.

The tattoos on Dezmoont's chin tend to change color from panel to panel. In most instances, the tattoos are a light blue color, yet in some they're black.



