
Narq, also known as Narqui, was a Colonies world located on the Quellor Run hyperspace route. Its surface featured fungus forests, in which the sentient Narquois species originated. At some point, the offworld Neimoidian species occupied Narq and subjected the Narquois to virtual serfdom, which centuries later led to the latter suing the former in the New Republic courts.


Narq, also known as Narqui, was a wet, gloomy world located in the regions known as the Colonies and the Slice. It was situated in grid square N-11 of the Standard Galactic Grid and linked to the planets Cato Neimoidia and Commenor by the hyperspace route known as the Quellor Run. Narq's surface featured blue-colored fungal forests, which were home to several varieties of tasty fungi, including long-stemmed mushrooms. A type of creature that lived in trees there eventually gave rise to the short, humanoid Narquois species. The sentient Narquois retained their evolutionary ancestors' blue camouflage coloring.


Narq was the homeworld of the Narquois species, including the pirate Pru Sweevant.

Narq was the homeworld of the Narquois species, including the pirate Pru Sweevant.

Narq was situated amid the colony worlds of the Neimoidian species, and at some point, the latter occupied the former, proceeding to treat the Narquois as virtual serfs for several centuries. Following the end of the Galactic Civil War in 5 ABY, Narquois lawyers sued the Neimoidians in the courts of the New Republic, seeking a large compensation for the treatment of their species.

The Narquois pirate Pru Sweevant, who was born around 21 BBY, hailed from Narq. By the time of the First Order occupation of the planet Batuu in 34 ABY, the pirate Hondo Ohnaka had obtained a stolen identity profile of Sweevant that mentioned his homeworld.

In addition, at some point before the destruction of the castle of the Pirate Queen Maz Kanata on the planet Takodana in the same year, the Narquois pirate spoke at length about Narq's tasty fungi while visiting the castle. His claims were overheard by the Artiodac cook Strono Tuggs, and eventually the latter visited Narq during a culinary tour of the galaxy between 34 ABY and 35 ABY and foraged a few of the local mushrooms, likewise finding them scrumptious. Tuggs went on to note both Sweevant's claims and his own visit to Narq in his cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, that was published in 35 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Narq was first mentioned in the 2015 reference book Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary by Pablo Hidalgo. The world's first full appearance came with the Star Wars: Datapad app that was launched alongside the themed land Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, which was opened to guests at Disneyland Park and Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019. Star Wars: Datapad also first identified Narq by the name "Narqui."


  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  • Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy
  • Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  • Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills
  • Star Wars Galaxy Map
  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook



