Mission to Morishim

The Mission to Morishim was organized by Admiral Gilad Pellaeon in 19 ABY. Imperial Colonel Meizh Vermel was sent to Morishim to seek out New Republic General Bel Iblis to ask for peace negotiations. His CR90 corvette was captured by the Star Destroyer Relentless before his message could be heard properly.


On the planet Morishim, Lando Calrissian and Rogue Squadron pilots Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson discovered an Imperial spy and a communications center in a cave of the High Tatmana. Their attention was quickly redirected when Antilles noticed that the sensor station showed an Imperial corvette entering the system, soon joined by a Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Captain Dorja's Relentless was sent by Moff Disra to capture the corvette before Colonel Vermel could transmit its message to the New Republic.

The battle

The three Rogue Squadron pilots and Calrissian reported the contact to the base, which mustered its own starfighters. With the other starfighters of the Morishim base behind them and General Bel Iblis' Peregrine on the other side of the planet, the three X-wings and Calrissian's luxury yacht, the Lady Luck were the first line of defense. They soon realized that the Relentless was firing upon and jamming the corvette, and they moved to run interference for the ship, which they guessed to be attempting a defection. Once the corvette was disabled and tractored, Antilles gave up and backed his group out of range. He followed Calrissian's suggestion to use their combined communications equipment to dilute the Imperial jamming, allowing Calrissian's advanced communications suite aboard the Lady Luck to record fragments of the corvette's broadcast that were sent in for analysis.

Both Calrissian and Antilles noted the event's eerie resemblance to the skirmish over Tatooine in which Princess Leia Organa's corvette had been captured by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer - the first in a chain of events that would lead to the destruction of the first Death Star. Wondering if something similarly momentous had occurred without anyone noticing, Calrissian asked Antilles if any escape pods had been ejected from Vermel's corvette before its capture, such as the one that had carried C-3PO and R2-D2 (the latter carrying the stolen Death Star schematics) to the surface of Tatooine.


Vermel remained imprisoned until Pellaeon discovered that his ship had been captured by Imperial forces. Despite the Relentlesss jamming, Zakarisz Ghent was able to reconstruct Vermel's transmission and pass it on to Leia Organa Solo, who met the Admiral at Pesitiin, establishing the preliminary diplomatic groundwork for what eventually became the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty.


  • The Essential Chronology
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I, II, III
  • The Essential Reader's Companion






