Meteor Squadron

Meteor Squadron was a New Republic starfighter squadron that was stationed on the New Republic flagship Lodestar as part of the Barma Battle Group. Their X-wing starfighters were decorated and personalized with brightly colored paintings of rock and ice.


Meteor Squadron was a starfighter squadron comprised of X-wing starfighters, which served the New Republic's starfighter corps. The X-wings were decorated with brightly colored paintings of rock and ice.

Mission to Chazwa

In 4 ABY, sometime after the Battle of Endor, Meteor Squadron were tasked with a mission to Chazwa. New Republic Intelligence agent, Caern Adan, had to brief the squadron on what to watch for at Chazwa.

Skirmish on Argai Minor

Sometime later, the New Republic attacked Imperial forces in the Treinhaus Citadel on Argai Minor. Barma Battle Group sent Vanguard Squadron to aid ground forces. They were later joined by Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron. The fighting on Argai Minor had been brutal and later became a salvage operation. Syndulla brought in Alphabet Squadron to help with patrols, and allow a New Reublic salvage team to collect data from the wreckage. New Republic Intelligence suspected Imperial forces planetside had received logistical support from elsewhere. The enemy had been decimated by orbital bombardment and precision strikes from the fleet. The citadel, a fortress full of gun emplacements, had been wrecked, its kilometers-high eastern wall was destroyed by Imperial sappers, and the battlefield was littered with speeders, troop carriers, walkers and other vehicles, destroyed by Imperial guerrillas. The mission was a success.

Troithe operation

Around 5 ABY, General Hera Syndulla's forces took part in a campaign in the Cerberon system, in which Meteor Squadron were deployed and participated in the Troithe operation, alongside Hail and Alphabet Squadron. The squadrons provided aerial support for the ground forces, which stretched on for weeks.

Battle above Catadra

When the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing initiated their attack on Cerberon, Meteor Squadron was scrambled for the battle above Catadra, alongside the remaining members of Alphabet Squadron, who deferred command to Meteor Leader due to a shortage of starfighters and crew. There, the squadron saw near total destruction. By the time of the Battle of Jakku that year, all of Meteor Squadron's members were dead.

Nadiri Dockyards

During the Cerberon campaign, General Hera Syndulla had gone to assist Vanguard Squadron's mission in the Bormea sector. While she was there, the New Republic's Nadiri Dockyards was attacked by Imperial forces led by Captain Terisa Kerrill. After evading Kerril's forces, Syndulla claimed to her cohorts that she had sent Meteor Squadron and Hail Squadron to secure the dockyards, although Meteor Squadron was facing near annihilation at Catadra at that time.

Behind the scenes

Meteor Squadron first appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the initial volume of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy which was written by Alexander Freed.





















