Medpac Squadron

Medpac Squadron was a New Republic makeshift starfighter squadron organized specifically to participate in the battle in the Milagro system, which occurred in 5 ABY.


When the dreadnaught New Hope was in orbit above Milagro, it encountered support fighters from an Imperial Star Destroyer. At that time the Hope had no support other than a single X-wing squadron. To supplement this attack group, some freshly cured or wounded pilots who could walk, were quickly recruited from the medical frigate Mercy. Under the command of Group Leader Han Solo in the Millennium Falcon, they descended to Milagro where some starfighters were stationed.

Thus two more squadrons were quickly thrown together from starfighters on Milagro's surface: secondhand Y-wings, X-wings, and two new B-wings. Circumstances being too rushed for the new squadrons to be assigned call signs, each was allowed to choose its own. Squadron two, as a testament to the fact that the majority of its pilots were wounded patients, and to the personal amusement of General Solo, gave itself the appropriate moniker "Medpac Squadron". As Solo's leadership was crucial for this makeshift group, the Falcon operated in a protected position, covered by a screen of Y-wings.

Medpac Squadron played an active role in the Battle of Milagro, forming the vanguard of the three squadrons' attack along with the Blue Squadron. While they were launching from the planet, looking for the Star Destroyer from where the TIEs were launched, Luke Skywalker came from hyperspace and located it visually, transmitting the information to the Falcon.

Medpac One was the first to report at least twenty enemy fighters attacking the group to Solo, who ordered to continue their course towards Destroyer and to avoid dogfights near the New Hope. In the following fifteen minutes, the squadron attracted some fighters and lost two X-wings; those who were pulled away from the counterattack were left to fend off for themselves. Eventually Medpac Four reported visual contact with the main Task Force.




