Mambo Farls

Farls was married to Gelly Farls and worked for Uniformal Attire, a company that designed and produced corporate Uniforms. In about 32 BBY, he was tasked with developing a new uniform for security staff at the company Culpharm. He spent two and a half months working on the project, eventually developing a distinct green-and-gold-colored uniform. However, he discussed the project with his wife and she took some of the uniforms and gave them to Biotherapy, a rival of Culpharm.

Farls was a very bouncy and enthusiastic person.


Farls was married to Gelly Farls and worked for Uniformal Attire, a company that designed and produced corporate Uniforms. In about 32 BBY, he was tasked with developing a new uniform for security staff at the company Culpharm. He spent two and a half months working on the project, eventually developing a distinct green-and-gold-colored uniform. However, he discussed the project with his wife and she took some of the uniforms and gave them to Biotherapy, a rival of Culpharm.

Personality and traits

Farls was a very bouncy and enthusiastic person.



