Gelly Farls

Farls was married to Mambo Farls, who worked designing corporate uniforms. She herself was a botanist and was employed by the company Biotherapy in their labs in the city of Gadrin, on Cularin. She was also a member of the Bark Lovers' Alliance, a local environmental group.

In 32 BBY, Mambo mentioned to Gelly that he was developing a new uniform for security staff at Culpharm, a rival company of Biotherapy. She provided Biotherapy with a set of the uniforms, which she hoped they would use for illegal purposes, which the Bark Lovers' could then expose.


Farls was married to Mambo Farls, who worked designing corporate uniforms. She herself was a botanist and was employed by the company Biotherapy in their labs in the city of Gadrin, on Cularin. She was also a member of the Bark Lovers' Alliance, a local environmental group.

In 32 BBY, Mambo mentioned to Gelly that he was developing a new uniform for security staff at Culpharm, a rival company of Biotherapy. She provided Biotherapy with a set of the uniforms, which she hoped they would use for illegal purposes, which the Bark Lovers' could then expose.



