
Maborn was a city on the world Mordal that came under contention between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance during the Imperial Era. In 4 ABY, during a firefight in Maborn, the warring sides entrenched themselves on opposite sides of the city. The daughter of Corwin Ballast and his wife Lynnta became immobilized in a street between the combatants, prompting her parents to make a rescue attempt. However, before they could reach her, Ballast and his wife were injured by blaster fire from both Imperial and rebel forces.

The incident in Maborn ended without a decisive victor, with both sides ceasing their hostilities at some point. Ballast recovered from his injuries, and upon learning Lynnta and his daughter had died, decided to depart Maborn to travel to the Inner Rim planet Jakku, a place he felt war would not come to. While conversing with the bartender Pok on Jakku, Ballast thought about his family's deaths in Maborn, reliving the firefight mentally.

Maborn appeared in flashbacks in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.

Behind the scenes

Maborn appeared in flashbacks in Aftermath, a 2015 novel written by Chuck Wendig as the first installment in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.






