MK II "Hotspot" Insulated Armor

The armor was specially designed to assist the clone flametroopers in driving enemies away from their defenses and to clear areas of dangerous flora or contaminants in hostile environments, featuring a heavily filtered respirator unit and significant thermal shielding system to insulate the troopers from the effects of their BT X-42 heavy flame projectors. The MK II "Hotspot" design was a substantial improvement from the initial MK I insulated armor design that was issued at the beginning of the war. The initial design had lacked a sufficient respirator unit, which risked the wearer through exposure to toxic smoke and air deprived of adequate oxygen as a result of the flamethrowers, and was later deemed an oversight due to the rushed production needs of both the Republic and the Kaminoan government, and the flaws made in the MK I design were corrected and became a source of improvement morale among the flame trooper corps.

The MK II "Hotspot" Insulated Armor first appeared, albeit unidentified, in "Landing at Point Rain," the second episode of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season, which originally aired on November 4, 2009. The armor was later identified in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying series published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Behind the scenes

The MK II "Hotspot" Insulated Armor first appeared, albeit unidentified, in "Landing at Point Rain," the second episode of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season, which originally aired on November 4, 2009. The armor was later identified in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying series published by Fantasy Flight Games.







