Ludwin Katarkus


Ludwin Katarkus was a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order who took an individual called Danyawarra as their Padawan sometime before the start of the Clone Wars. In 23 BBY, the Jedi High Council assigned Katarkus as a diplomatic envoy on a mission to negotiate an end to the ongoing Virgillian Civil War between the Virgillian Free Alignment and the Aristocracy, which had begun two years earlier in the Virgillia system. Consisting of two Master-Padawan teams, the envoy was comprised of Katarkus and Danyawarra, as well as Master Everen Ettene and Halagad Ventor.

In the last month of 23 BBY, as the ship carrying the Jedi envoy arrived on the planet Virgillia 7, it was destroyed. After the diplomatic team was missing for three weeks, they were all presumed dead, according to the CoCo District Edition of HoloNet News published on 13:2:28 GrS. The same article announced that memorial services for them would be held by the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant the next day. Katarkus had indeed died on the mission, as did Ettene, but both Danywarra and Ventor actually survived the attack and reunited with the Order, serving as a commander and a general, respectively, in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes

Ludwin Katarkus was first mentioned in the article "Virgillian Jedi Envoy Declared Lost" in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45, an in-universe issue of the HoloNet News written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and published on the HoloNet News website before March 10, 2002.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



