

Linwodo commanded the Separatist Droid Army during the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Linwodo commanded the Separatist Droid Army during the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Linwodo was an ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata who held the rank of general in the droid army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY, during the Outer Rim Sieges offensive launched by the Confederacy, the planets Metalorn and Boz Pity—Separatist factory worlds located in the Foundry of the Confederacy region—were assaulted by the Republic. In response, the Confederacy mounted a defense of both planets, with the tactical droid general partaking in the engagements. Despite their efforts, Linwodo and the Confederacy were unable to defend Boz Pity as it fell during its besiegement by the Republic.

Following the losses at Metalorn and Boz Pity, Linwodo traveled to the planet Kashyyyk. On Kashyyyk, he served as the commanding officer for the droid army's assault on Kachirho city, which the Confederacy sought to capture in order to gain access to the data vaults maintained by the Claatuvac Guild of Wookiee cartographers and navigators, as well as the planet's junctions along several hyperspace routes. The droid general was opposed by the Wookiee warriors of the Kachirho Wookiee Militia led by General Tarfful and Republic clone troopers commanded by Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos, both of whom had their battlefield records studied by Linwodo prior to the engagement. However, while the Republic prepared and the droid general's forces landed on the surface, Clone Commander CC-1004 "Gree" became alerted by the activation of the droid army's main power generators and was ordered by Jedi General and Grand Master Yoda to begin their defense of Kachirho.

Linwodo was hunted and destroyed by the Ranger Corps in the battle's aftermath.

Linwodo was hunted and destroyed by the Ranger Corps in the battle's aftermath.

Amid the engagements on Kashyyyk, Republic clone troopers across the galaxy received instructions from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, to execute their Jedi officers in accordance with the Order 66 directive. As a result of Order 66's initiation, the Republic forces were thrown into disarray, and Linwodo's forces were able to advance and secure control over a beachhead, which they were to utilize in preparation for their attack on Kachirho. Despite their advancements, however, the clone troopers were swiftly reorganized under the leadership of Clone Commander Faie, leading to the defeat of Linwodo's forces; the tactical droid was later located and destroyed in the battle's aftermath by scouts of the Republic's Ranger Corps.


An ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid, Linwodo stood at 1.94 meters in height. After reviewing the battlefield records of Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos prior to the Battle of Kashyyyk, Linwodo exhibited signs of confidence in his abilities as a battlefield commander and in outmaneuvering an opponent in battle.

Behind the scenes

Linwodo was mentioned in the 2021 reference book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy.


  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
