Lee Skillen

Lee Skillen was a Karkarodon female who resided in the Black Spire Outpost settlement of the Outer Rim planet Batuu. She worked for Ohnaka Transport Solutions, a company founded by the former pirate Hondo Ohnaka, supervising the business when its owner was off-world. The pressure of the job often felt stressful to Skillen, agitating her. At some point, she began dating her Twi'lek girlfriend, of whom the Karkarodon's mother disapproved.

While serving as a supervisor, Skillen met the farmer Julen Rakab and maintained a cordial working relationship with him. She also dealt with several Black Spire Outpost vendors, some of whom, including the farmer Kat Saka, were annoyed at her due to Ohnaka's business practices. Skillen's annoyance with her job continued to increase over time, leading her to threaten her subordinates to comply with her wishes. At some point, she began working with the company's protocol droid G1-MD to help solve issues while at work.

In 34 ABY, Rakab attempted to convince the Karkarodon to allow him to retrieve a parcel intended for the collector Dok-Ondar, which he had delivered to Ohnaka Transport Solutions after a mix-up with another delivery. When Skillen refused to let the package leave the company's office, Rakab stole her access card. Afterward, Rakab's friend, the smuggler Izal Garsea, entered the office to retrieve the parcel. Unaware of the theft, Skillen used an override code to enter the office and converse with the pilot Delta Jeet.

Ohnaka's supervisor

Lee Skillen lived in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu.

Lee Skillen lived in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu.

Born on an aquatic world, the Karkarodon female Lee Skillen traveled the galaxy for some time. She eventually settled in the Black Spire Outpost settlement on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. By the time Skillen resided on Batuu, she had a Twi'lek girlfriend, whom Skillen's mother disliked due to her species.

At some point, Skillen began working for Ohnaka Transport Solutions, a transport company founded by the former pirate Hondo Ohnaka. As Ohnaka's supervisor, she managed the establishment's shipments via a datapad and dealt with issues the company's transport pilots brought up while her boss was off-world. During her first week on the job, the Karkarodon mistakenly sent a crate of worms to the planet Urajab instead of its intended destination, causing the planet's jungles to be reduced to weeds by the new invasive species. While at her workplace, Skillen became acquainted with the delivery workers employed by the collector Dok-Ondar, including the farmer Julen Rakab. Over time, she and Rakab maintained a workable affinity with each other.

Work stresses

Kat Saka (pictured) often expressed annoyance toward Lee Skillen while she was at work.

Kat Saka (pictured) often expressed annoyance toward Lee Skillen while she was at work.

In 34 ABY, the pressure of Skillen's supervisor position began stressing her out due to vendors in Black Spire Outpost demanding that their goods and merchandise be delivered on time. At some point, she began working alongside the Ohnaka Transport Solutions protocol droid G1-MD to handle business in the company's office. As Skillen's job became increasingly stressful and time-consuming, her girlfriend began disliking the amount of time the Karkarodon spent at work.

Around this time, the employee Orin informed Skillen that he was quitting his job at Ohnaka's company, forcing the supervisor to plan who would do the work he left behind. Additionally, Batuuan business owners grew increasingly irate with Ohnaka's import decisions, resulting in their ire being directed at Skillen when he was off-world. Skillen felt particularly pressured by the farmer Kat Saka, knowing she disapproved of Ohnaka's business practices.

During one stressful day at work, a human pilot working for the company approached Skillen and complained about the state of the ship he had to fly and the mediocre skills of the copilots that his employer assigned him. Dismissing the man as irrelevant, the Karkarodon sent G1-MD to handle the pilot's issues. When the human left, Rakab and Skillen discussed a problem with a parcel he had delivered to the company earlier that day. Although Rakab had accidentally given the company a package meant for Dok-Ondar, Skillen did not allow him to retrieve it, stating that everything stayed in the office once there. Realizing that she would not change her mind, he discreetly stole her access card to the building and handed her the other package he had initially been supposed to deliver.

Stolen cards

Lee Skillen worked for Ohnaka Transport Solutions (logo pictured).

Lee Skillen worked for Ohnaka Transport Solutions (logo pictured).

Unaware of Rakab's plan to steal Skillen's card, the farmer's friend—the smuggler Izal Garsea—decided to attempt to take it as well. She bumped into the pair as they talked while wearing a cloak to disguise herself, but found it was not in the supervisor's pocket. Eventually, Skillen walked away from the office, believing that she had changed Rakab's mind about trying to retrieve his package. Afterward, Garsea was pleased to learn that Rakab had stolen the card and that her attempt to take it had been unnecessary. The pair waited for the current work shift to end while aboard Rakab's light freighter, after which Garsea entered the office using Skillen's card. Meanwhile, Rakab prevented G1-MD from entering the office when the droid attempted to enter in her search for the supervisor.

As Garsea searched for her parcel, Skillen arrived at the office, annoyed that she had lost her access card. The Karkarodon used the door's override code to unlock the office, leading the Ohnaka Transport Solutions pilot Delta Jeet inside while Garsea hid beneath a stack of urusida pelts. Skillen conversed with Jeet, who was irritated at having to work on her week off due to Orin quitting, promising the pilot she would speak to Ohnaka about giving her a bonus for her efforts. After considering, Jeet reluctantly accepted the extra trip to the planets Corellia and Clak'dor, and Skillen left the office. Shortly afterward, several irate pilots surrounded Skillen on a landing pad and demanded her attention.

Personality and traits

Lee Skillen worked at Ohnaka Transport Solutions' Black Spire Outpost office (pictured).

Lee Skillen worked at Ohnaka Transport Solutions' Black Spire Outpost office (pictured).

Lee Skillen had rough blue skin, black eyes, and webbed hands. By the time she lived on Batuu, the smell of pelts of the urusida species reminded her of the scents of her homeworld due to the fishy stench. Standing two meters tall, Rakab felt that Skillen was an intimidating figure. She used her appearance to her advantage, scaring others to follow her orders without complaint by showing off her sharp teeth and screaming at her subordinates. Despite her gruff attitude, Skillen loved her girlfriend and continued dating her despite her mother's disdain for the Twi'lek.

The constant pressure of working for Ohnaka Transport Solutions gave Skillen considerable stress and evaporated her patience. Often, the supervisor felt that Ohnaka was irresponsible and piled more work on her than she could handle. When Skillen began speaking, she often unloaded a stream of information, particularly about her personal problems. The supervisor often misted saltwater vapor on herself using her bodysuit to relieve stress after conversing with others. When thanking Delta Jeet for taking extra work, Skillen attempted to remain calm for the employee and acted as if she was reciting a script.

Skills and abilities

Lee Skillen was adept at handling several tasks at once and competently ensured that deliveries at Ohnaka Transport Solutions' establishment ran smoothly. She managed the company's employees while her boss was off-world, solving issues as they arose despite the stress dealing with individuals caused her.


As a member of an aquatic species, Skillen wore a habitat-regulating bodysuit while on land, which released saltwater vapor that prevented her body from drying out. While supervising Ohnaka Transport Solutions, Skillen carried a datapad, though she often tapped at its deactivated screen to seem busy so she would be left alone. Skillen also owned an access card for the office at Ohnaka Transport Solutions, which Rakab stole to retrieve the parcel he accidentally delivered.

Behind the scenes

Lee Skillen appeared in A Crash of Fate, a 2019 young-adult novel written by Zoraida Córdova. In the StarWars.com article "5 Behind-the-Pages Secrets of Star Wars: Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade," which was released on July 17, 2023, Córdova said that she considered Skillen's inclusion in the novel as a Karkarodon an Easter egg for longtime fans.






