G1-MD, nicknamed Gee-One, was a protocol droid that worked as a supervisor at the Ohnaka Transport Solutions transport company on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. Around 34 ABY, when the farmer Julen Rakab was kidnapped by the smugglers of Ana Tolla's crew in order to assist in their operation to destroy the home of Kat Saka, G1-MD accompanied Rakab's friend Izal Garsea and a number of associates aboard a freighter stolen from Black Spire Outpost's spaceport.

Ohnaka Transport Solutions

In around 34 ABY, G1-MD served the transport company Ohnaka Transport Solutions, situated within the spaceport of Black Spire Outpost on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. G1-MD worked as a supervisor of the company's operations, alongside Lee Skillen, who supervised Ohnaka Transport Solutions when its owner, the former pirate Hondo Ohnaka, was off-world.

During a busy day at Ohnaka Transport Solutions, G1-MD approached Skillen, attempting to get her attention. However, Skillen was dealing with an irritated pilot, who had complaints about the state of his ship and the co-pilots he was assigned. Skillen asked G1-MD to find the pilot an astromech droid, and the protocol droid attempted to protest, but was dismissed by Skillen. Shortly afterward, the irate pilot quit working for the company, and G1-MD attempted to follow him as he left.

Some time later, the Batuuan farmer Julen Rakab attempted to distract G1-MD, preventing her from entering the company's office, where his friend Izal Garsea was retrieving a parcel that had been mistakenly delivered to the company. G1-MD insisted on locating Skillen, and Rakab directed her elsewhere, where Skillen was surrounded by more pilots.

Skirmish at Kat Saka's

Later that night, G1-MD was left to supervise the company on her own. Garsea returned to the spaceport with the Ohnaka Transport Solutions pilot Delta Jeet, hoping to find Volt Vescuso, a friend of Rakab's. Rakab had been captured by the crew of the smuggler Ana Tolla, who intended to destroy the farm of farmer Kat Saka. G1-MD confronted the visitors, demanding to know their business at the spaceport. Garsea planned to steal an Avent100-series light freighter stationed at the spaceport in order to rescue Rakab. G1-MD refused to allow the freighter to be taken, but Garsea convinced the protocol droid to accompany them in order to see that the operation succeeded.

Aboard the freighter, G1-MD helped Garsea translate the Teklada language on the ship's controls. The freighter arrived at the farm, and Garsea ordered G1-MD to ready the ship to return to the spaceport once Belen Rakab, the sister of Rakab who had been taken hostage by Tolla's crew, was rescued. G1-MD reluctantly followed Garsea's orders, though she wished to complain to Ohnaka when he returned.

Belen Rakab was rescued by Jeet and Tap, another associate of Rakab's, and was taken to the freighter. G1-MD intended to follow her orders and return to the spaceport, but Belen refused to leave her brother, and powered the protocol droid down to prevent her from doing so. Once Tolla's crew had been stopped from destroying the farm, G1-MD was powered up again.


Both a protocol droid and an interpreter droid, G1-MD, known as Gee-One-Emdee or Gee-One for short, had feminine programming and plating colorred green and white. G1-MD was able to speak the Galactic Basic Standard language, and could translate the mathematical language of Teklada.

G1-MD was programmed to strictly follow orders, and was reluctant to assist Izal Garsea in her plan to rescue Julen Rakab. When G1-MD was eventually persuaded into allowing the rescue, she informed Garsea and her associates of Ohnaka Transport Solutions' rules and regulations. G1-MD was reluctant to take orders from Garsea, but Volt Vescuso used the threat of her destruction to convince her. Once she chose to follow Garsea's orders, G1-MD insisted on taking Belen Rakab out of harm's way, even when Rakab wished to remain and protect her brother.

Behind the scenes

G1-MD appeared in the 2019 novel A Crash of Fate, written by Zoraida Córdova.






