
Kavork was a pirate from the Red Meteor Consortium during the time of the Galactic War. In 3637 BBY, he was based on Rishi. He owed a gambling debt to the Trandoshan pirate Boruush. Following the Battle of Ilum, Kavork and the Red Meteor Consortium pirates raided a Republic transport and captured the carbonite-frozen Shara Jenn. During the Revanite crisis, the former Cipher Nine and former Intelligence Minister of the Sith Empire sought to retrieve Shara Jenn from Kavork's pirates. This prompted Cipher Nine to kill Boruush during the Minister's meeting with Kavork so as to convince the latter of the Minister's influence and how far it extended. This in turn meant he no longer owed a debt to the deceased Trandoshan. Kavork thus accepted to release Shara Jenn.



