Jordan Smythe

Jordan Smythe was a male being who served in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the Alliance's stay at Echo Base on the planet Hoth, Smythe was stationed as a tauntaun handler. He developed a mutual attraction with kitchen worker Chase Wilsorr, who suffered from anxiety and was nervous around the confident Smythe. When the Galactic Empire located the rebel base and launched an attack, Chase risked his life to save Jordan during the subsequent evacuation. They were the final two rebels to board the transport ship Bright Hope, where they shared a kiss as the Alliance escaped the planet.

Echo Base

The planet Hoth, where Jordan Smythe worked as a tauntaun handler for the Rebel Alliance at Echo Base.

The planet Hoth, where Jordan Smythe worked as a tauntaun handler for the Rebel Alliance at Echo Base.

By the time the Alliance to Restore the Republic occupied Echo Base on the ice planet Hoth in 3 ABY, Jordan Smythe was a recent recruit in the militia's fight against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. On Hoth, Smythe was assigned to be a handler of the Alliance's domesticated tauntauns, reptomammals native to Hoth that served as mounts. Stationed in Echo Base's tauntaun pens, the charismatic Smythe was quick to bond with his fellow handlers, Baesoon and Murell, as well as the tauntauns themselves. One tauntaun, in particular, shared a close bond with Smythe, who named her Sunshine. Because of the limited number of tauntaun handlers, Smythe's tight rotation schedule did not grant him the necessary time to visit the mess hall or get proper sleep, and he and his peers had to rely on supply runs from other personnel to keep them going. One of these runners was Chase Wilsorr, a member of the kitchen staff whom Jordan became attracted to. Wilsorr had a mutual crush on Smythe, but his anxiety, which contrasted greatly with the outgoing Smythe, restrained him from acting on it.

One day, Jordan was on-duty with Baesoon and Murell when Wilsorr arrived to deliver their supplies. Despite his nervous nature, Wilsorr always saved the tauntaun pens as the last stop of his run so he could spend more time with Smythe. After Chase handed the other trainers their food, he found Smythe hauling stacks of ice fungus into pens from a hoverlift. Jordan broke into a smile when he saw Wilsorr and thanked him for the delivery. Overly self-effacing, Wilsorr responded that he was only doing his job, then added that he wasn't good enough to do anything else. Smythe immediately brushed his comment off, telling Chase that he was the best runner at Echo Base, and smiled again as Wilsorr poured him a cup of caf. Wilsorr devalued Jordan's compliment and stated that he was only being nice. While trading off the cup, the two briefly touched hands and held them in place, but Wilsorr hastily pulled his away. Smythe sipped the drink before setting it on the gate to Sunshine's pen, then returned to effortlessly heaving the bales of fungus.

Smythe told Wilsorr that his compliment was genuine, and explained that Chase, once a member of the Alliance Corps of Engineers, was the only person who could navigate the entire vase without getting lost. In an attempt to downplay his impressive feat, Chase explained his path from the kitchens to the tauntaun pens while Smythe finished tending to Sunshine. Jordan told Chase that his memorization of the base was amazing, but Chase was again uncomfortable with the compliment and tried asserting that Smythe only said it because they were friends. Shaking his head, Smythe sternly replied that he meant it. Changing the topic, Wilsorr brought up his desire to do something more important and thumbed through messages from Major Bren Derlin denying him a promotion or advanced training. Wilsorr retorted one of Derlin's messages and exclaimed that he could handle a blaster, prompting Smythe to unclip his and toss it to Chase.

Jordan Smythe geared up tauntauns for Alliance riders such as Commander Luke Skywalker.

Jordan Smythe geared up tauntauns for Alliance riders such as Commander Luke Skywalker.

Chase fumbled and almost dropped the blaster, making Smythe laugh. Jordan walked closer to Chase and took his hands, adjusting Wilsorr's grip so he was holding the blaster properly. Suddenly, Baesoon yelled and Smythe to stop flirting on duty and informed him that he was assigned to gear up Commander Luke Skywalker. The embarrassed Wilsorr went silent, but Smythe squeezed his hands and gave him an apologetic smile. As he reholstered his blaster, Jordan told Chase that he had to get back to work and asked if they would see each other later, to which Chase responded they would. Parting ways, Smythe headed for the storage pen to gather Skywalker's gear. Skywalker was going on an assignment to reconnoiter the surroundings of Echo Base. Smythe prepared the tauntaun Riba, who was pregnant with taunlets, for Skywalker, but the parole turned deadly when a wampa attacked Skywalker, killing Riba in the process. The next day, Wilsorr visited Smythe again, but not as part of the normal delivery schedule.

Wilsorr had been having a rough day, facing another promotion denial directly from General Carlist Rieekan and being the target of gossip among other rebels. Smythe advised Wilsorr to ignore the gossip, but couldn't disagree with Rieekan's judgement. Chase despondently asked Smythe if he should stop asking for other work. Jordan shrugged and stated that Chase could continue to do so if he truly wanted another position, but added that he thought Wilsorr was great as he was. As he mulled over the comment, Chase asked how Jordan, who had discarded his jacket next to a hoverlift of fungus, wasn't cold. Smythe took the opportunity to flirt and explained that he would get too hot while lifting the fungus stacks. Jordan leaned forward and rubbed Chase's shoulders. He asked Wilsorr if he was cold and called him "Yavin baby," which made Chase nervously blurt out that he was from Takodana, not Yavin, as he anxiously tried to form a response. Wilsorr suddenly stated that he had to go, then rushed out of the tauntaun pens.

Battle of Hoth

Jordan and Chase were the last to board the Bright Hope during the evacuation of Echo Base.

Jordan and Chase were the last to board the Bright Hope during the evacuation of Echo Base.

On the following day, Echo Base was located by the Empire, which launched an attack on Hoth to destroy the Alliance forces. Rebel Command, however, learned of the Empire's plans before the attack, and General Rieekan initiated the evacuation sequence, ordering all personnel to report to the GR-75 transports in the main hangar. Early in the evacuation, however, Major Derlin ordered Smythe to stand by in case any soldiers needed to be geared for battle. As the Imperial forces engaged with Rebel fighters and most of the tauntauns outside the base, Jordan stayed behind with the lone Sunshine, trying to calm her. Chase, meanwhile, began to board a transport but noticed that Smythe was not among the other personnel gathered in the hangar. Hearing that a cave-in had trapped several medtechs in the base, Wilsorr ventured back into the crumbling complex to rescue them. Along the way, he saved several more groups and brought them to the transports. Knowing that Smythe was still inside the base Wilsorr rushed back into the base to find him.

Smythe was trying to ease Sunshine into her pen when Wilsorr arrived and asked why he was still in the base. Jordan explained that he was there to help any soldiers gear up, but Wilsorr informed him that Echo Base was lost and they had to leave. Smythe yelled that he would not leave Sunshine behind, to which Chase responded that he was not going to leave Jordan behind either. Jordan threw a saddle on Sunshine and mounted her, then helped Wilsorr onto the tauntaun and asked how to get to the hangar. Wilsorr shouted out directions, and Smythe steered Sunshine as ordered. When they made it to the eastern corridor, however, they found the tunnel blocked by a cave-in. Chase grabbed Smythe's blaster as he hesitated, then slapdashed the weapon's buttons and threw it at the blockage. Though Jordan was confused at first, the blaster malfunctioned and exploded, shattering the ice and giving them a clear path to the final transport, the Bright Hope.

Sunshine jumped over the remaining ice and ran for the transport. Seeing the Bright Hopes engines turn on and doors begin to close when they entered the hangar, Chase yelled to Officer Serenity Meeks to keep them open, and Sunshine clambered up the ramp just before it shut. The room exploded into applause for Jordan and Chase, who dismounted the tauntaun. Jordan exhaled a sigh of relief, and Chase tapped on the shoulder as the other Rebels congratulated them. Smythe stepped closer to him and asked what he wanted, and Wilsorr blurted out that he looked like he "could use a good kiss." Though Chase became nervous after saying it, Jordan laughed and pulled him close, responding that he thought he would never ask before the two shared a kiss as the Bright Hope departed Echo Base.

Personality and traits

Jordan Smythe had a crush on Chase Wilsorr, one of Echo Base's supply runners.

Jordan Smythe had a crush on Chase Wilsorr, one of Echo Base's supply runners.

Jordan Smythe was a male being with sideswept curly ebony hair and brown eyes that had flecks of green and gold in them. Smythe was noticeably fit, with a toned musculature and broad shoulders cultivated from his work in the tauntaun pens. He spoke with a deep accent, one that made ordinary words stand out with his quick-witted amusement. An opponent of the Galactic Empire, Smythe proudly served the Alliance to Restore the Republic and gladly accepted his position and orders. He was unbothered by the cold of Echo Base, a trait that perplexed others as Jordan removed his outer layers of clothing while laboring in the pens. Because of his tight schedule, Smythe had only a limited knowledge of Echo Base's layout and was amazed by Chase Wilsorr's ability to memorize the complex. Outgoing and friendly, Smythe was deeply compassionate to others and had little shame in his interactions with his colleagues and Wilsorr.

Because of his outgoing nature, Jordan was flirtatious with Wilsorr, but his confidence and boldness unwittingly made Chase nervous when he teased him. Unlike Chase, who felt his work was meaningless, Smythe was content with his position and believed they should be happy with themselves. Though he was attracted to Wilsorr and cared about him, Smythe did not entirely disagree with General Rieekan's dismissal of his appeal for promotion and reasoned that Chase was not unimportant because he was just a supply runner. During the Battle of Hoth, Jordan willingly put himself in danger and stayed behind in the tauntaun pens to help soldiers prepare for combat and later refused to leave Sunshine during the evacuation sequence. Smythe was impressed by Chase during their escape and was left stunned when they boarded the Bright Hope safely. Jordan was surprised when Chase told him that he could use "a good kiss," but excitedly pulled him close and embraced him.

Behind the scenes

Jordan Smythe first appeared in the short story "A Good Kiss," which was written by C.B. Lee for the anthology novel From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back.






