Jark (clone trooper)

Jark was the name of a clone cold assault trooper who served in the Devil Dogs unit of the 44th Special Operations Division in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Around 22 BBY, Jark participated in the Battle of Khorm under the command of Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, and Tauht. Jark was among the clone troopers who accompanied Fisto and Koon in a mission to destroy a Confederate weather-control station, but he was killed during an engagement with Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress and a squad of BX-series droid commandos.


Jark was the nickname of a clone cold assault trooper who, like many of his genetic "brothers," was cloned from the DNA of the bounty hunter Jango Fett and raised on the planet Kamino to serve in the Grand Army of the Republic. During the Clone Wars, Jark was a member of the Devil Dogs, a special detachment of the Grand Army's 44th Special Operations Division, commanded by Major Kendal Ozzel. Around 22 BBY, Jark was among the clone troopers dispatched to the planet Khorm to secure the rich deposits of the valuable agrocite mineral. However, by the time the Galactic Republic task force led by Jedi Masters Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, and Tauht arrived at its destination, the planet had fallen into the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Republic was forced to engage the enemy in battle.

The weather-control station, the Jedi's target

The weather-control station, the Jedi's target

The Jedi landed their initial ground troops, including Jark and the Devil Dogs, but were unable to bring in reinforcements due to a storm that raged in Khorm's atmosphere. Nevertheless, the Republic forces were able to capture an agrocite processing facility, establishing a base there. After they were informed by Republic Admiral Wieler of a Confederate starship passing through an opening in the storm, the Jedi realized that the storm was being controlled by a weather-control station nearby and decided to destroy it. To that end, Koon and Fisto took a detachment of Devil Dogs clone troopers, including Jark, and set off on CK-6 swoop bikes to take down the station. After they reached the mountain area, the group witnessed a native Khormai village devastated by the storm. Using their lightsabers, the Jedi carved graves for the dead Khormai in the ice. Devil Dogs Captain Sharp then ordered Jark and fellow trooper Fixer to help the Jedi bury the Khormai, after which the Republic strike force continued on its way.

As the group proceeded further, they were ambushed by Confederate Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress, who proceeded to fight Koon and Fisto. Meanwhile, several BX-series droid commandos emerged from the snow, and the clones engaged them in battle. Cornered by the two Jedi Masters, Ventress used the Force to bring down an avalanche upon the Republic troops. Ventress then initiated a search for survivors and killed those she could find before leaving the scene. Ultimately, Jark was among the casualties sustained in the fight. Nevertheless, the Jedi—who had managed to create a Force pocket to protect some of the troops buried under the snow—and what remained of their clone squad successfully destroyed the weather-control station, allowing the Republic to win the battle.

Personality and traits

Like all clone troopers, Jark stood 1.83 meters tall. He wore a set of cold assault trooper armor adorned with the red markings of the Devil Dogs.

Behind the scenes

Jark first appeared in The Clone Wars 7, a comic-book released as part of In Service of the Republic story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic series. The issue was written by Henry Gilroy and Steven Melching, illustrated by Scott Hepburn, and released by Dark Horse Comics on July 15, 2009.






